Lillian Duncan - Until Death Do Us Part

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Book: Lillian Duncan - Until Death Do Us Part by Lillian Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lillian Duncan
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Newlyweds - Ohio
room beside them for a reason. And she knew the reason. She didn’t have to ask if Dylan would help them, she knew her husband would even if he didn’t want to be married to her any longer.
    She shrugged. “Because it’s what Jesus would do.”

    CHAPTER 22
    Misty’s confused look reminded Reggie of her own reaction when Dylan had said the same words to her when they met. She’d thought he was crazy when he’d risked his own life to save her, a woman he barely knew.
    Now she understood. Christianity wasn’t just a religion to Dylan, it was a way of life. He believed in helping others even when it put himself in danger. And she was willing to do the same.
    Wow! She hadn’t realized how muc h she’d changed.
    “I know it’s hard to understand, Misty. But Jesus commanded we love others and He didn’t mean a pretend love. He meant help others when they need it and it looks to me as if you need some help now. So, let me help.”
    Misty cast her gaze downward as if she didn’t deserve such help. “But—”
    “No buts. Let’s get out of here and we can figure out your next move later. It’s up to you, of course, but I really think you should leave the car.”
    Misty bit her lip. “I hate to do it, but you’re right. That must have been how he figured out where I was.”
    Thinking back to her own harrowing ordeal when she was the target of a hit man, she said, “He might have some kind of GPS tracker on it.”
    Misty’s jaw dropped open. “You’re right, he might. He’s insanely jealous. For a smart man, he sure acts stupid.”
    Reggie didn’t say anything. The man hadn’t looked all that smart to her. She sighed. But looks can be deceiving. She’d thought Dylan was just a simple farmer when she’d met him and look how wrong she’d been.
    After the packing was done, Reggie looked at Misty. “I’ll take the stuff out to my car and you can tell the kids. By the way, do you have a cell phone?”
    Misty nodded.
    “Leave it in the car. That’s another way he can track you.” She grabbed her suitcase and things and walked out to the car.
    “How do you know so much about all this cloak and dagger stuff?”
    “I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.”
    Misty’s eyes grew wide.
    “Sorry, I’m just kidding. It’s an old joke my husband and one of his Marine buddies say all the time. Actually, I had a little trouble last year and learned more than I ever wanted about such things.” An understatement if she’d ever heard one but no reason to terrify Misty any more than she already was.
    “Oh.” Misty looked relieved.
    After going to the office and paying her bill, she walked back in the hotel room. Noah stared hard at her. “Why are you being so nice to us?”
    “Because that’s what God wants us to do, Noah. Be nice to each other. Help each other.”
    “Are you an angel?” Suzie asked.
    Noah laughed along with Reggie and his mother. The laughter felt good and broke the tension. “Everyone grab something and then we can get out of here. I don’t have a swimming pool, Noah, but we’ve got a pond.”
    “Can I go swimming there?”
    “Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow. We’ll see.”
    Suzie grabbed her teddy bear while Misty and Reggie grabbed suitcases. Noah grabbed two bags of their toys. “The trunk’s open. Put everything in there and we’ll stop later if you want a toy or a book or something out of the trunk.”
    Reggie didn’t want to waste time getting them settled in. They could do that later. At the moment, her only concern was to get as far away from this motel before Misty’s husband came back with his brother.
    She’d seen Frank and his temper. No way did she want to tangle with him and his brother. His brother was probably more of the same.
    Misty walked directly to her car and unlatched the child safety seat Suzie needed and tossed her phone on the front seat. She hurried back to Reggie’s car and began the process of buckling in the child safety

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