Love in the WINGS

Love in the WINGS by Delia Latham Page B

Book: Love in the WINGS by Delia Latham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delia Latham
Tags: Christian fiction
study his face. “You OK?”
    “Yeah, sure. I’m fine.” He reached for his coffee and downed a huge gulp—then hissed in reaction to the scalding liquid.
    “Sure you are. Corbin…” She stepped close and touched her fingertips to his cheek. Her gaze, shadowed with concern, lifted to his. “What’s going on?” The other hand came up to cradle the other side of his face. “I know yesterday was difficult for you. Did you get any sleep at all last night?”
    He nodded. “Actually, I did.” Thank God he had a mug in each hand, otherwise…well, just thank God he had a mug in each hand. “Hey, Aria, uhm…” He held the mugs a little higher and cocked his head toward one of them.
    “Oh!” She dropped her hands and stepped backward, taking a piece of his soul with her. “I’m sorry. Go. But—” She pinched her lip between pearly teeth, then sighed and gave him a little smile. “I’m here if you need me.”
    “I know. Thank you.” He turned as quickly as he could holding two cups of black fire, and headed off to help his pastor find peace…and to keep from making an utter fool of himself.
    Aria watched him go, feeling a bit amused, a hair confused, and altogether topsy-turvy. Just ridiculous! Only weeks ago, she couldn’t stand to be anywhere near Corbin Bishop. And now it hurt to watch him disappear into Pastor David’s office, because that meant he was out of her sight.
    What had gotten into her?
    But she knew what it was, so might as well admit it. She’d never been good at playing games—not with anyone, and certainly not with herself. Love was the answer. Aria had fallen hard for the new youth minister. She seriously needed to have her head examined, but the fact remained…Aria Robbins had turned into one of the simpering females she’d sworn never to become.
    She wandered back to her desk, but her mind would not be corralled. What was Corbin doing in there with David? He’d looked as if he were being prodded along with an invisible hot poker, and still couldn’t quite fall into formation.
    Cover him in wings of prayer.
    She dropped the pen in her hand, totally shocked to see she’d been doodling on her desk blotter…Corbin’s name. Inside a large wing.
    Her heartbeat raced as if on wings of its own. “Lord?” she whispered, unable to take her eyes off the piece of innocent-looking “art” she’d accomplished without knowing she was doing so. “What’s—?”
    Wrap them both in wings of prayer.
    Aria locked the office and headed for the prayer room off the sanctuary. Her WINGS hour had arrived a little early today.

    Corbin couldn’t knock with a hot mug in each hand. Good thing the door wasn’t actually closed, though he did wonder about that. Given the fact it was even partially closed, David might have meant to shut out the world today.
    He nudged it with the toe of his shoe and walked in—uninvited, and uncomfortable with the situation. Normally, he wouldn’t have considered intruding on anyone who’d all but hung out a “No Trespassing” sign.
    Pastor David sat behind his desk, but he wasn’t really there. Corbin paused just inside the room. A chill raced down his spine, and a worried frown tugged his eyebrows toward each other.
    “David?” He spoke quietly, hoping not to startle the guy.
    Dark shadows played across the pastor’s normally bright and fun-filled eyes. His gaze was fixed on the opposite wall, his lips set in a tight line. New grooves bracketed his mouth and cut twin furrows above his nose.
    Corbin swallowed hard. Had he thought earlier that David had aged a decade? Make that two of them. The pastor appeared unaware of Corbin’s presence, despite his greeting and the aroma of the coffee he’d brought with him.
    Well, time to try another tactic.
    “Good morning!” He raised his voice and marched across the floor to set David’s mug on the desk. “Thought maybe you could use a little go juice.”
    David’s gaze

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