Love Therapy (Stanton Falls #2)
rest is history or rather
our story as we like to call it.”

    Emily gave Aaron a kiss
on the cheek as he rubbed her shoulder.  

    “And now you are
pregnant.  Awesome.  Are you excited about being a mother?”

    “Yes, but I already am
actually.  Long story there.  We can talk about it another time when
we get together, but we have Ashleigh at home already.”

    “That’s nice.  I
really didn’t like being an only child.”  

    “I get that.  I’m
sorry to change the subject so abruptly but I have been dying to hear about you
and Nick from the horse’s mouth.  I have all the inside scoop but these
guys are pals, so they’re always ragging on each other, blowing stories out of
proportion and such.  Aaron has spent forever telling me stories of how
you didn’t know who this guy was even though he was all goo goo over you.”

    Nick looked at Aaron and
shook his head in disbelief.

    “What man?  She’s
my wife.  Did you really think I wasn’t going to tell her about your
mooning over Donna like a lonely puppy?”

    “I wouldn’t go so far as
to say I was mooning over her.”

    “Well duh.   I
would though.  You should have seen him, not being able to concentrate
when he found out you were back in town.  Then when you started at the
company, like a girl at a rock concert. ‘Aaron, she works here.  Can you
believe it?  How do I look?  What should I do?  What should I
say’?  I felt like I should have charged him a consultant fee just to talk
about you.  I even told him to see the therapist before remembering that
it was you.”

    “Yeah.  I was like
‘dude, you’re not helping.’  I should have known better.  I don’t mind
admitting it I guess.  So I might have had a little thing for her.
 When you find somebody nice, that kind of thing happens.”  

    The waiter brought back
the food everyone had ordered and Donna was surprised as everyone prayed before
they ate.  Again, something that she had relegated to her mother and older
church people until she had started dating Nick.  That was all different
to her but it felt really nice.  

    The night went on with
everyone sharing stories and laughing.  Donna was having the time of her
life as a result of dating Nick.  She didn’t know where things were
headed.  She couldn’t predict the future, but she did know that she was
having a great time with Nick and she couldn’t wait to see what the future

    Recently, her life had
been changing for the better and she was soundly convinced that it was all
because of the man sitting beside her.
    She placed her hand over
his on the table as everyone talked, and said her own private thank you to God
for the joy He was letting her experience.  


    Three weeks later.

    Nick stood in the flower
shop looking at various bouquets.  He wanted to find something that would
convey to Donna just how special she was to him.  She was the one for him
and he was sure of it by then.   They had only been dating for a few
months, but it felt like it was just right.  The best thing in his mind
was that it wasn’t even a carnal feeling.  Not that he wasn’t physically
attracted to her, because he was.  He acknowledged those feelings but that
wasn’t what he cared about because he knew that those feelings could come and
go.  More importantly, they simply enjoyed each other’s company.

    Being with her reminded
him of when he would watch his mom and dad together.  Or even Emily and
Aaron.  They had the kind of oneness where they kind of clicked together.
 It was funny because when they were together he was happiest and when
they were apart, all he thought about was getting back to her again.  He
could have written a million love songs with her as the centerpiece of each of
them.  It was lucky for him that he couldn’t really hold a tune or else he
probably would have been singing to her every

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