Make Me Melt
Mitchell was on duty in the car outside. Either of them could come looking for
him. What he was doing was wrong on so many levels, but he suddenly didn’t care.
He was the selfish one, because all he could think about was how badly he wanted
    Pale moonlight slanted in through the windows, illuminating the
room. He could see her clearly, but he was unprepared when she turned and pushed
him up against the closed door. Her hands slid beneath his shirt, and then she
was shoving the fabric up. Cool air wafted over his heated skin.
    “Take this off,” she demanded. “I want to feel all of you.”
    Jason hesitated.
    “I’ve already seen your tattoos,” she reminded him, correctly
interpreting his reluctance. “And I think they’re hot.”
    Jason complied, yanking the shirt over his head and dropping it
onto the floor. Then her hands were there, stroking over his chest and
shoulders, tracing her fingertips over the intricate tattoos even as she pressed
her mouth against him. Jesus. He thought he’d be the
one doing the seducing, but he’d been wrong.
    He buried his hands in her hair, relishing the texture of the
silken mass between his fingers as she gripped his rib cage and traced a path
over his skin with her tongue.
    “Caroline.” Her name escaped his mouth on a groan.
    “Let me.”
    He let his head fall back against the door, aware that his
heartbeat was coming faster. She was working her way down his torso, planting
moist kisses along the center of his chest and stomach, until she reached the
waistband of his jeans. She glanced up at him once, and then her fingers deftly
worked the buckle and the button before slowly drawing his zipper down. Jason
sucked in a breath when her fingers brushed against his stomach, and she hooked
her fingers into his waistband. She tugged the stretchy material down just
enough so that she could stroke one finger over the engorged head of his
    That light, feathery touch nearly undid him. He couldn’t ever
recall feeling this way before, as if it were his first time. He was incredibly
aroused, and although he’d never admit it, a little anxious. He wanted this to
be perfect for her.
    “Oh, Jason,” she murmured. “You’re beautiful.”
    “Enough,” he muttered and reached down to stop her hand from
exploring him further. He pulled her upward. In two strides, he reached the bed,
drawing her with him. Her arms slipped around his waist, and she pressed herself
against his bare chest.
    “You smell so good, just like I remembered.” Her voice was low
and sexy. “Why did you stop me? I want to touch you everywhere.”
    “I want that, too.” He slid his hands up the length of her
arms. “In fact, if you don’t touch me, I think I might die.”
    She laughed, a huff of breath that washed over him and caused
goose bumps to rise on his sensitized flesh. She gave him a gentle shove,
forcing him back onto the mattress. Then she was straddling him, her hands
braced on either side of his head. Her robe gaped open, and Jason realized she
was almost nude and her gorgeous breasts were right there, practically in his
    Jason drew her down, covering her mouth in a heated kiss. She
trembled and leaned against him, until he could feel the swell of her breasts
pressed against his chest. Heat lanced through him, and he deepened the kiss,
sweeping his tongue inside her mouth. She met him with a beguiling fierceness
that took his breath away, first spearing her tongue against his and then
sucking on it, drawing it deeper. Her mouth was hot and succulent.
    As he angled her face for better access, she lowered her body
and then, sweet Mary, he could feel her, rubbing back and forth over his
throbbing erection. The sensation was so exquisite, so pleasurable, he wasn’t
sure he could stand it. While he wasn’t exactly a monk, it had been a long time
since he’d been with anyone. His self-control was tenuous, at best.
    Without giving her time to protest, he turned

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