Make Me Melt
her beneath him
in one swift, smooth movement. She let out a small sound of surprise but then
settled back against the pillows with a sigh of delight and wound her arms
around his neck, feasting on his mouth.
    Oh, yeah, this was perfect, except that now she was arching
against him, rotating her hips against his in an invitation that was
    Jason dragged his mouth free and bent his forehead to hers,
sucking in deep breaths. “Easy, sweetheart,” he gasped. “I don’t want to go too
fast, and if you keep that up, I’m not going to last.”
    She gave him a bemused smile. “Really? But you’re a marshal. I
thought you guys were all about control.”
    He raised his head and looked down into her flushed face. Her
blue eyes glinted in the moonlight, shimmering with arousal. Her mouth was
swollen from his kisses, reminding him of a ripe strawberry. He wanted to bite
    “Where you’re concerned,” he said, his voice husky, “I have no
    It was the truth. He was breaking every rule in the book by
coming upstairs with her and not maintaining a professional distance. He’d sworn
to protect her, and here he was taking complete advantage of her. He could tell
himself that his prior friendship with her father—and, to a lesser extent, with
Caroline herself—made it okay, but he knew he was lying to himself. He wanted
her more than he could ever recall wanting another woman. He’d wanted her that
night when she’d been sixteen years old and had done her best to entice him, but
that had been nothing compared with what he felt right now.
    Raising himself on one elbow, he pushed aside the fabric of her
silky robe, until the upper swell of her breast was revealed. She made no
protest, but he heard her sharp intake of breath. He traced his fingertips over
the creamy flesh, noting how her nipple tightened beneath the satin fabric.
Jason paused to devour the sight and then dipped his head to brush his lips over
the hardened nub before drawing her nipple into his mouth and suckling it
gently. He heard Caroline whimper, and he laved the distended tip with his
    “Please...please.” Her whisper was ragged, and she cupped his
face, dragging it upward so she could fasten her mouth against his and draw his
very soul from between his lips.
    That broken plea, combined with her molten kiss, was enough to
push the last of his restraint over the edge. He’d intended to go slowly, to let
her set the pace, but he hadn’t counted on the intensity of his need for her.
Heat spiraled downward through his midsection as he felt his control stretch
    “You drive me crazy, you know,” he muttered against her lips.
“That night that you waited for me in this room...I didn’t want to stop, but you
were so young. Afterwards, I couldn’t stop thinking about you, imagining how you
would taste....”
    He slanted his mouth across hers, deepening the kiss, wanting
to consume her, to eat her alive. She arched against him, sliding her hands up
over his shoulders to pull him closer.
    He needed to be closer, too, with nothing separating them. He
wanted to feel her skin against his, to absorb her heat. He pushed her robe down
the length of her arms, wanting it gone completely. She helped him by pulling
her arms free, and then she was completely naked but for the miniscule scrap of
white silk at her crotch.
    He almost stopped breathing.
    Then he filled his hands with her breasts, admiring how full
and firm they were and how her nipples ripened beneath his fingers.
    “Oh, God,” she panted, shifting restlessly against him. “You
have to touch me or, I swear, I’m just going to die.”
    “But I am touching you,” he rasped, smiling against her
    “No, I mean—you have to touch me...there.”
    Her plea was desperate, and lust jackknifed through Jason. With
a low groan, he claimed her mouth while at the same time he glided his hand down
over the silken skin of her abdomen until he encountered the edge of

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