Microsoft Word - Documento1

Microsoft Word - Documento1 by Unknown Page A

Book: Microsoft Word - Documento1 by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
pitcher of orange juice, a thermal container of coffee and a champagne bottle in a silver bucket.
    A funny little feeling moved through her as she ran a finger over a single yellow rose that lay on one napkin. This kind of care wasn’t something she’d come to expect from a man.
    She peeked under one silver lid and saw crisp bacon and plump sausages.
    “I didn’t know what you’d like, so I ordered a bit of everything.”
    Natalie turned to see Chance walk into the room. He was wearing trousers, but not his shirt. His feet were bare, his hair still damp from the shower. Her throat went dry.
    Incredibly, she wanted him all over again.
    “I’d like you, ” she said.

    THE VOICE, the look she was giving him told Chance it was still Rachel he was dealing with, and if she continued to look at him in that way, the breakfast he’d ordered was going to get very cold.
    Business, Chance reminded himself. Keep it light. “I thought it might be nice if we shared a meal—since we never got around to eating last night. That way we can talk and get to know one another.”
    She laughed. “So we have a night of wild, sweaty sex and then we have a date?”
    It occurred to him that he’d never had a date with Natalie in either of her personas.
    “Something like that. I’d like to get to know you.”
    It was nothing less than the truth. In spite of his resolution to end the game she was playing, he was still intrigued by this side of Natalie. What could it hurt to delay the unmasking until after breakfast?
    Natalie lifted one of the silver covers at random, then settled herself into a chair. “An omelet. I guess I could use the protein for energy.”
    It was his turn to laugh as he took the seat across from her. Oh, it was definitely Rachel he was dealing with. He was going to miss her. “I was beginning to think you had an unending supply.”
    She sliced into the eggs. “Well, we could certainly test your theory.”
    Chance concentrated on the practical matter of lifting silver covers until he found what he was looking for. Then he scooped yogurt into a bowl and added fresh fruit and a little wheat germ.
    “I’m sorry,” she said.
    He glanced up startled. “What for?”
    “That.” She pointed to his bowl of yogurt. “You must have ordered that for me. Here.” She pushed her plate toward him. “Have some of the omelet. It’s delicious.”
    “Thanks, but this is what I eat every day.”
    “You’re kidding.”
    The horrified expression on her face made him smile.
    “I like to be careful about what I put into my body.”

    “And here I’d pegged you for a risk-taker.” She met his eyes. “But I guess you’re doing something right. You’ve got a great body.”
    She was making it hard to stick to the date plan. “What do you usually eat for breakfast?”
    She shrugged as she lifted another forkful of eggs. “I’m a cop, so you get one guess.”
    She pointed a fork at him. “You got it. I prefer them day old so I can dunk them in the dreadful coffee they serve at the station.”
    Chance’s eyes narrowed. “So…you’re a cop like your cousin Natalie?”
    As she set her cup down, some of the coffee spilled onto the saucer. “Yes. Fort Lauderdale.”
    For a few moments, she busied herself with eating, and Chance wondered if admitting to being a cop had been a slipup. Perhaps, now was the time to tell her that he knew who she was. He could reach over, take her hand and say, “Natalie, I know.”
    But once he did that, would “Rachel” disappear? “Do you like being a cop?”
    “Sure.” This time when her eyes met his he saw a trace of amusement. “Is this the part where we exchange bios?”
    Chance shrugged as he set down his spoon. “Standard first date talk. You interest me, Rachel Cade. Ever do any undercover work on the job?”
    She hesitated only an instant. “Some. You should see me in my hooker clothes.”
    A vivid image filled Chance’s mind, but he shoved it away. “I’ve

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