Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc

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staying in  a tent all the way through winter. I did that last year. I’m not doing it  again this year.”
    The answering voice was a whining one. “But I bagged these two  myself on the last hunt! You were with me. You saw it! Why do you  get to keep yours but I have to sell mine?”
    “I’m keeping only one. Selling one won’t feed us or keep us out  of this shit weather for the rest of winter. Just sell yours, and the next  wolves you get you can keep as many as you can skin.”
    “But I―”
    “I also get to decide because I’m in charge. I brought you into  this, and you’re going to do as I say.”
    Terry moved away from the tent. Though if he listened long  enough, he thought he could make out some of the meaning of what  was being said, but mostly, he just got angry vibes.
    He carefully toed his way out of his hiding place within the  drooping branches of the pine tree, and he moved toward the next
    There were other sounds and smells coming from within that he wanted to investigate. Some of it smelled like gasoline, and some smelled like his friends. The rest smelled like sex.
    There was a light on inside the tent, maybe that was where the gas scent was coming from, so he could make out the dark forms of the two men within. The one was letting out guttural moans and grunts, thrusting his hips wildly as he lay on his back and held the other man’s head down between his legs.
    Neither of those two possessed the scents of the wolves Terry was

    Mated to the Wild Omega                       73

    searching for, though the one man between the other’s legs didn’t  have the scent of a human at all. He was something else.
    Something shifted behind him, and Terry spun around.
    The arrowhead shape of a wolf head peeked out from within the  exact hiding place Terry had once occupied.
    It was his mate. He looked angry.
    Terry crouched, though he did not curl his tail between his legs.   His friends! He could smell them! They were here!
    He tried to tell his mate this with a small whine, but his mate
    stepped forward, eyes sharp, lips pulled back to reveal his teeth, while
    the hair on the back of his head stood on end.
    He didn’t growl, but it was a command for silence if Terry ever
    heard one.
    Looking at him pointedly, his mate turned and walked back in the bushes, looking over his shoulder at him once more before vanishing into the darkness.
    This time Terry’s tail did curl, and he followed his mate as he was silently commanded.
    He had an easier time of it following him back to their den than when Terry had first left it.
    This was because the trail Terry had made when he first came was now just a little wider since his mate had followed him on it, and now he and Terry were keeping to the same path as they went back. It still made the muscles in Terry’s body ache.
    He tried to get up behind his mate, whining for his attention, trying to tell him what was happening, but the growls coming from his mate were not to be argued with.
    Finally, they made it back to the large structure where they had made their den. Terry would prefer to sleep outside, cuddling for warmth with his mate curled around him, but it was so much warmer
    inside the odd and angular cave that he didn’t offer any protest when
    he followed his mate inside.
    Then his mate made the shift to two feet, and though he looked

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    ridiculous without any fur on him, his face squashed in, and his claws  and tail gone, that sense of deep anger remained.
    “Terry, I know you can hear me in there. You scared the shit out  of me,” he said, in that familiar language Terry could barely  understand. “You can’t ever do that again. Do you understand? They  could’ve killed you if they’d realized you were there.”
    That other naked wolf on two legs appeared next, cold air blowing  through the open entrance to the cave as he let himself

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