Motor Mouth

Motor Mouth by Janet Evanovich Page B

Book: Motor Mouth by Janet Evanovich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Evanovich
Tags: Mystery
Hooker said. “Someone killed Oscar Huevo, shrink-wrapped him, and stuffed him into a locker in the hauler. We’re assuming it was an inside job, but the truth is, those haulers aren’t locked and anyone could get in and dump a body.”
    “Not entirely true. You need a garage pass to get to the hauler area.”
    “That narrows it down to a couple thousand.”
    “Okay, so a lot of people had access. It’s still not that easy. They had to bring the body in somehow. And we know he was brought in, because there wasn’t any blood in the hauler. Even if they’d scrubbed it down, I think we would have seen some blood or signs of a struggle. Even if they shot him outside the hauler and dragged him in, we’d see blood. And he was naked, with a boner…okay, I guess that could happen in the hauler.”
    “No way,” Hooker said. “He didn’t have socks on. Nobody bothers to take their socks off to have sex in the hauler.”
    I cut my eyes at him.
    “Not that I would know from personal experience,” Hooker said.
    “The paper said Oscar Huevo was last seen having dinner with Ray. That was Saturday night. Both brothers were planning on attending the race, but only one showed up. No one saw Oscar at the track. A doorman remembers Oscar going out for a walk after dinner. No one remembers seeing Oscar return from the walk.”
    Hooker finished his pancakes and started on the biscuit. “So how did they get the body into the hauler without being seen? There’s always activity around the hauler. Plus, they couldn’t drive him in on a golf cart. The carts are stopped at the gate.”
    “Maybe they brought him in after the race. Remember, the sixty-nine hauler was last to leave because they were waiting for a part. Maybe somehow they smuggled the body in then. At a certain point, all the rules are relaxed and carts and vans can move into the garage area.
    “And the back of the hauler was still open when we walked Beans. They had the tool cart out so they could work on the truck.”
    “Seems like a stretch,” Hooker said, “but I guess it’s possible. Here’s question number two. Ray Huevo just called and said ‘all’s forgiven if he just gets his cars back.’ Why would he say that? If he knows I stole his hauler, why wouldn’t he go to the police? Why didn’t he go to the police in the first place?”
    “Because Huevo knows Oscar was stashed in the hauler? And he knows you know that he knows?” I said.
    “That’s a lot of ‘
.” Hooker forked in some more omelet. “And why does Ray care about the cars? It was my understanding that he wasn’t enamored of racing.”
    “They’re still Huevo property.”
    Hooker shook his head. “It feels too weird to promise forgiveness if I return the cars. I can understand trying to kill me. And I could understand trying to buy me off or blackmailing me into keeping quiet.”
    “Be hard to blackmail you. The press hangs all your dirty laundry out to dry in public.”
    “Yeah,” Hooker said. “And I have too much money for them to be able to buy me.”
    “Let’s face it,” I said to Hooker. “He’s not going to forgive you. He’s just saying that to give you a false sense of security. He’s going to kill you. His goon already tipped his hand.”
    “Actually, the Beans snatcher didn’t say
he wanted to kill me. He could be acting independently of Ray Huevo. Like, maybe he just goes around killing people who leave their Saint Bernard’s in hauler lounges.”
    Hooker ate his last piece of bacon and pushed back from the table.
    “You don’t seem too worried,” I said to him.
    “If I could just get my heart rate to drop below stroke level, I’d look even less worried.”
    “We should tell someone at NASCAR.”
    “Can’t do that,” Hooker said. “I’d be done as a driver. And driving’s all I know.”
    “It’s not
you know,” I said.
    Hooker grinned. “Darlin’, you’re flirting with me.”
    “Trying to cheer you up.”
    He signaled

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