Navy SEAL Rescuer

Navy SEAL Rescuer by Shirlee McCoy Page B

Book: Navy SEAL Rescuer by Shirlee McCoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirlee McCoy
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
was nowhere to be seen.
    Had she really expected anything different?
    She wanted to say “no,” but the truth was, she had expected him to show up. The sadder truth was that
she was disappointed that he hadn’t. Standing in his arms had felt so good, and
she’d wanted to believe that those feelings were real.
    Maybe they weren’t, though.
    Maybe, they were just a product of stress and need and
    The sun had crested the mountains half an hour ago, and the new
day promised sunshine and blue skies. A new day. A new beginning. Time to grab
control of her life again.
    She didn’t need Darius to escort her out of the hospital. She
could go herself, take a bus to the edge of town and walk the three miles to her
place, grab some things for Eileen and for herself.
    Then again, a cab might be a better idea.
    Just in case.
    She grabbed the phone, but the thought of going back to her
place a cab or not...filled her with dread, and she dropped it back
into the cradle.
    She paced the room, feeling caged and restless. If she let
herself, she could fall into that place she’d been in the first days after she’d
been released from the prison, panic attack after panic attack stealing her
ability to think or function.
    “I’m trying to sleep, girl, and all your pacing is keeping me
awake,” Eileen grumbled.
    “Sorry.” Catherine didn’t point out that Eileen had been asleep
just seconds before or that she’d be asleep again before she took the next
breath. Arguing would only bring her more fully awake, and Eileen needed to
sleep if her body was going to have any chance of healing.
    Seconds later, Eileen’s soft snore broke the silence.
    Catherine looked out the window and into the parking lot. Even
this early in the morning, it was full, people milling about, talking and
chatting. It wasn’t very likely a killer was lurking among them. She’d just step
outside, stand under the hospital’s portico, get a few deep breaths of fresh
air, try to ease her tension before she had a full-out panic attack.
    She walked into the hall, closing the door softly.
    Just a few minutes. That’s all she needed. Then, she’d come
    A nurse smiled as she passed, but Catherine felt too brittle to
do anything but keep moving. Onto the elevator, then out of it again. Finally
into the lobby, and then the fresh new day.
    She breathed deeply, the cool summer air filling lungs that
felt too small.
    Ease the tension. Let go of the panic.
Everything is fine.
    Only things weren’t fine. Eileen was dying. Someone wanted
Catherine dead.
    “You’re supposed to be waiting for me inside.” Darius appeared
at her side so suddenly Catherine jumped.
    “Where did you come from?”
    “I was coming out of the cafeteria and saw you walk through the
lobby. Here.” He shoved a carryout cup toward her, his jaw tight, his eyes
flashing with irritation.
    “Thank you.” Her hand shook as she sipped the lukewarm
    “You realize coming out here was a mistake, right?” He took her
arm and walked back into the lobby. She could have pulled away. His grip was
loose and easy, and she knew he wouldn’t try to hold on if she didn’t want him
    She didn’t pull away, though, because having him close felt a
lot better than being alone.
    “I needed some air.”
    “You needed to wait for me. You should have waited.”
    “It’s been three hours, Darius. How long did you expect me to
    “Forever if that’s what it took.”
    “That’s ridiculous.”
    “So is walking outside without protection when someone is
trying to kill you.”
    “You’re right. I wasn’t thinking,” she conceded, and he
    “Just so we’re clear, when I say something, I follow through.
Next time, keep that in mind. Come on. I was planning to get you something to
eat, but I wasn’t sure if you were a fruit kind of gal or a muffin kind.” He led
her into the cafeteria.
    “Neither. Both.” She grabbed a muffin and a cup of

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