Never Mind The Botox: Rachel
laughing. Harry made a beeline for the bar and ordered a beer. Rachel looked around for people she knew and was relieved to spot Rowan and Shali standing on the far side of the room. Shali had clearly not gone for the safe dress option like Rachel. She was wearing a very short silver puffball dress with a plunging neckline and a pair of sparkly slingback shoes.
    ‘Wow, look at you,’ said Rachel to Shali as they kissed each other on both cheeks.
    Harry and Rowan shook hands.
    ‘Thanks, you look fab too,’ said Shali.
    She also hugged Harry and Rachel noticed her momentary glance at his trouser length.
    Harry looked at Shali’s dress and gave Rowan an approving nod.
    Rowan grinned. ‘Thanks so much for inviting me,’ he said to all of them. ‘What a great place!’
    ‘I had a look at the seating plan. We aren’t together but both our tables are okay, no total losers,’ said Shali.
    ‘Thank God,’ said Rachel. ‘Do you remember last year? I had that miserable bloke Michael Morray and his wife on my table. They were such hard work. He hardly said a word all night. I hit all my best tennis balls of conversation over the net but none of them got returned. She was a vegan and hated that we were all eating beef. She also clearly thought that it was our fault that her husband worked too hard and she never saw him.’
    ‘If I had a wife like that, I’d never be home either,’ said Harry. ‘I’d just stay in the office all day eating bacon sandwiches.’
    They all laughed and Rachel was pleased that Harry seemed relaxed.
    There was then a loud knocking noise.
    ‘Ladies and gentleman, dinner is served,’ bellowed a small, rotund man standing in the doorway to the Rose Room.
    ‘Great, I’m starving,’ said Rowan. They found their places on the seating plan and went into the Great Hall. Huge chandeliers hung above circular tables decorated with crisp, white tablecloths and strikingly tall red roses. A string quartet was playing soft, lilting music.
    ‘See you after dinner,’ Rowan said to Rachel and he squeezed her arm as if to say good luck.
    Rachel and Harry found their table, which they were sharing with three other couples. Marcus, Simon and Louise were all from her department and here with their other halves, none of whom she knew. She and Marcus were the most senior people. Much to Rachel’s relief there were no partners on her table.
    Rachel could see Rowan and Shali’s table from where she was sitting and Rowan was busy walking round shaking hands with the other people on his table. He’s so polite, thought Rachel. By contrast, Harry had sat down already and was studying the menu.
    ‘Thank fuck for that! It’s lamb,’ said Harry to no one in particular.
    The others looked slightly shocked.
    ‘Oh, shall we do introductions?’ said Rachel quickly. ‘This is Harry. He’s my, er, partner.’ Boyfriend somehow sounded a bit tacky all of a sudden.
    ‘Hi,’ said Harry, raising his hand like he was answering a question at school but without actually looking up from the menu.
    Marcus followed Rachel. ‘Good evening, everyone. I’m Marcus and this is my wife Melissa.’
    Rachel paid close attention as they all introduced themselves, repeating their names in an effort to remember them all. Good networking practice. Harry focused, instead, on pouring the wine, his glass first.
    To Rachel’s relief, dinner was relatively uneventful. Marcus’ wife fortunately asked Harry what he did, giving him the opportunity to exaggerate and show off at the same time, two of his favourite pastimes. But he didn’t offend anyone and the stories he entertained the table with were just about decent.
    After dinner the disco began playing and people started to move about between tables.
    ‘Come on, let’s mingle,’ said Rachel.
    They went and found Shali and Rowan who were chatting at the bar in the Great Hall.
    ‘Rowan, why don’t you stay with Harry for a bit while Shali and I do the work rounds,’ said

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