No Woman So Fair

No Woman So Fair by Gilbert Morris Page B

Book: No Woman So Fair by Gilbert Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilbert Morris
Tags: FIC042000, FIC042030, FIC026000
    Garai blinked owlishly. “Well, it’s not what I had planned, but we’ll see how it goes. Whatever happens, we’re all going to make a lot of money. Why, there’s no—” He broke off, for he saw his mother motioning to him. “I think it’s time for the ceremony to begin. We’d better get down to the temple.” He grinned and slapped Abram on the back heartily. “You’re getting a good girl, Abram. And she’s getting a good man.”
    Abram moved over to accompany his parents, and the entire crowd, those who were not too drunk to walk, made their way down to the temple of Ishtar.
    The ceremony that followed was complicated, with the high priest of Ishtar in charge. Abram actually paid little attention to the goings-on until Sarai was escorted in, led by her brother and followed closely by her mother. Garai brought her up to him, and Sarai smiled, reached out, and took Abram’s hand.
    â€œYou’re beautiful, Sarai, as always,” Abram whispered.
    Indeed she was beautiful. She wore a snow-white gown, and her black hair cascaded down her back in curly locks. She wore a little makeup but scarcely needed any. Her skin was like glowing alabaster, and her large expressive eyes were filled with mystery as she looked toward Abram. Her lips were red and turned up at the corners as she smiled. “Thank you, Abram.”
    They had no time to say more, for the ceremony was continuing. Abram paid little attention to the formalities of the wedding ritual. During his stay in Uruk, he had lost what little confidence he’d once had in the powers of Ishtar or any other idol. And though he had ceased to pray to them, he no longer feared their displeasure. Rather he felt a deep inner peace as he looked at his beautiful bride, a confidence that he was indeed being blessed by a God who was greater than any lifeless stone god in this temple. He could not keep his eyes off Sarai, and he knew with pride that no one else could either. Every eye was fixed on her, for she was the fairest woman of all the land. Of that Abram was sure.
    Finally the two heard a shout go up, and Sarai turned to him. “I belong to you now, Abram,” she whispered with tears in her eyes.
    â€œDon’t cry. I belong to you too. We’ll have each other as long as we live.”
    She smiled and took his kiss. Then they turned to receive the congratulations of the crowd, and Abram felt a strength in his heart as he thought, At least I’ve done one right thing .
    â€œI think you’re wise to go away with Abram, just the two of you.” Zaroni had come into Sarai’s room and was helping her pack her clothes. The two maids had done most of the work, so Zaroni came and put her arm around her daughter. “You looked absolutely beautiful at the ceremony.”
    â€œThank you, Mother.” Sarai hesitated, then said, “Mother, tell me how to be a good wife.”
    â€œYou waited a long time to ask that.” Zaroni smiled gently.
    â€œI don’t know anything. I’ve heard stories, of course, about what happens with a man and a woman, but I won’t know what to do. I’m afraid I’ll be a disappointment to Abram.”
    â€œYou won’t be that, because you have a gentle husband, and that’s more important than anything else. Some have looked down on Abram because he’s not outgoing, but there’s a kindness in him. I saw it the first time I met him, and that’s what is important in a husband.”
    â€œI know. I see it in him too. But what do I do?”
    â€œYou love him, and love will find a way. But I want to caution you, Sarai.”
    â€œAbout what, Mother?”
    Zaroni had thought this over carefully, and now she said quietly, “Abram is not an ordinary man. He’s different.”
    â€œDifferent in what way? I know you’re right, but I haven’t been able to put my finger on

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