will take place when(where) and so we can calculate the distance travelled to interception by calculating the arc length of the path from θ = π to, which we can deduce from the second form of the result from appendix C,
Figure 10.8. Captured!
to get
and the time to interception is given by
where. This means that
Chapter 11
This is a one line proof… if we start sufficiently far to the left.
Unknown Cambridge University lecturer
We are all used to the idea of losing in any number of games of chance, particularly in games which are biased against us. If we decide to alleviate the monotony of giving our money away by varying play between two such games, we would reasonably expect no surprises in the inevitability of our financial decline, but that is to ignore the discovery of Dr Juan Parrondo: two losing games can combine to a winning composite game .
We will avoid the rigorous definition of a losing game since we all have an instinctive feel for what one is, and that is enough for our purposes; in short, if we are foolish to gamble on such a game, in the long term we expect to finish up with less money than we started with. Put more mathematically, the probability of our winning on any play of the game is less than 0.5. (We can also lose even if it equals 0.5 if our wealth is small compared with the other player; the reader may wish to investigate the implications of what is known as gambler’s ruin .) Now suppose that there are two such games, call them A and B, which we mightplay individually or in combination, with the pattern for playing the combination quite arbitrary: we could play A for a while and then change and continue gambling by playing B, or we could alternate playing ABABAB … or toss a (possibly biased) coin to determine which we play and when, etc. Whatever the strategy we use to decide which game to play and when, we would expect to lose in the long term, but the force of Parrondo’s result is that situations exist which result in a winning combination. The public announcement was made (in particular) in the 1999 article, ‘Parrondo’s Paradox’, by G. P. Harmer and D. Abbott in Statistical Science 14(2):206–13. Three years earlier the Spanish physicist Juan M. R. Parrondo had presented the idea in unpublished form at a workshop in Turin, Italy: he had defined a composite, winning game from two provably losing games; that is, the player’s fortune provably increases as he continues to play the combined game. It is this process which attracts our attention in this chapter, as we look at Parrondo’s Games .
The Basic Game
The study is part of the much bigger topic of Markov chains, but here we need the simplest of ideas from them. Suppose that we repeatedly play a game and either win 1 unit with a constant probability p or lose 1 unit with probability 1 − p . We will start with some fortune and write P r for the probability that our fortune is reduced to 0 when it is currently at a level r ; we will not consider the possibility of exhausting the wealth of our opponent.
Figure 11.1 summarizes the position as we take one more gamble, which means that
and also we clearly have that P 0 = 1.
This summarizes such a game and provides us with what is known as a recurrence relation for the P r ; what we would like is an explicit expression for P r in terms of p and r .
Figure 11.1. The basic tree diagram.
The trick that accomplishes this is to try a solution of the form P r = x r , which results in
and cancelling by x r −1 results in x = px 2 + (1 − p ) or
This quadratic equation factorizes to ( x − 1)( px − (1 − p )) = 0 and so has roots x = 1 and x = (1 − p )/ p . This means that
are both solutions, which we can easily check by substituting each of them in equation (1).
This isn’t the full story, though. Again, it is easy to check that any constant multiple of each solution is again a solution, and, further, that the sum of each of the two