Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5
much. Everything will work out.” He pressed another kiss to her forehead. “And get off that foot.”
    “Yes, Slade.”
    He smiled sweetly and headed toward what she assumed was the bedroom.
    Kir, Logan and Jordan corralled Sydney and Toni toward the front door, Travis not far behind them. “Let’s leave these guys alone. We’ll show you to your new condo.” Travis opened the door. “After you, hothead.”
    “Thanks, lefty.” Logan sauntered out, waving his hand. “Later.”
    Once they were gone, Sylvia turned to Magnus. “We?”
    He frowned for a second before his expression cleared. “Oh. Yes, we.” He cupped the back of her head, those strong fingers sliding through her hair. It had been so long since she’d felt a touch like that, a man who wanted her so badly he was trembling with it.
    “I thought you and Slade were together.”
    He slowly smiled. “We are.”
    But… “Then why are you touching me?”
    “Because we want you.”
    Again with the we . She shivered, wondering if it was possible, if what he was saying could possibly be what she was hearing. “Like Logan, Kir and Jordan?”
    “Exactly.” His fingers tightened, his grip becoming almost painful. “I’ve wanted you for so long, but I couldn’t touch you, not while you still held my father in your heart.”
    “I don’t anymore.” Her voice had been reduced to a whisper as she gazed into his moss-green eyes.
    “I hoped.” His tone was equally quiet. His expression was full of a yearning that hadn’t been directed toward her in decades. “Please be ours, Sylvia.”
    She closed her eyes, her heart at odds with her head. She’d been burnt so badly by his father. Could she offer her heart to another Grimm? Could she take that risk, especially when another fragile heart was involved?
    Before she could reply he kissed her, silently begging her to open her mouth and her heart, asking rather than demanding that she submit. It was at total odds with the grip he still had on her head, holding her in place while he slowly, methodically tasted her.
    She opened her mouth, getting her first taste of a Grimm man since Thor left her all those years ago. She was shocked at what she discovered.
    He tasted right, better than Thor ever had.
    The kiss was filled with a longing so intense she trembled, unsure if that yearning need was his or hers.
    When he finally lifted his head she had a hard time opening her eyes. She was too busy savoring the things she’d learned from a not-so-simple kiss.
    “So. Here’s how it’s going to be.”
    That got her to open her eyes. He hadn’t let go of her, and the demand was spoken in such a quiet, firm tone she wasn’t sure at first if it was an order or not.
    “You’re going to sleep in the same bed as Slade and I. Nothing, and I mean nothing , will happen without your approval. For now, all we’ll do is sleep or talk, whatever you prefer.” His grip on her head eased. “Slade and I both want you in our lives, but the choice has to be yours.”
    Sylvia wasn’t certain she understood. “Slade barely knows me. Why would he want me?” She’d never been cruel to him when he’d been in his horse form, but she hadn’t been all that affectionate either. No one had. They’d been afraid to touch Odin’s horse.
    “There’s more to him than meets the eye. He’s been watching all of us for centuries, Sylvia. He probably knows more about how we work than we do. And we’re the ones he’s chosen, the ones he wants to protect him and love him, whom he wants to protect right back.” Magnus smiled. “All either of us wants is a chance.” The smile dropped away, and that desperate need was back. “Please.”
    How could she say no? She had the chance to discover if maybe, just maybe, she’d finally find the one thing she’d been longing for all these years. Slade and Magnus were willing to take a chance on her.
    She was more than willing to do the same for them. “Yes.”
    The relief on his face, the

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