October song

October song by Unknown Page B

Book: October song by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
reached across to touch his arm.
    He sighed audibly. “Don’t rightly know what to do.”
    “Have you ever searched the Scriptures for divine guidance?”
    He shook his head. “Prob’ly, I’ll end up shunned,” Ben muttered.
    “All for good reason, if you choose God’s way.”
    He scooted back from the table. “And if I keep my car and my fancy girlfriend I’ll get kicked out, too. Either way, I’m banned.”
    She could see he was downright miser able.
    He said he felt justified in owning a car and driving it, ” ‘specially when one of Preacher’s sons has unnecessary reflectors and decorations all over his buggy. One sin’s as bad as another, ain’t?”
    She thought on that. “Maybe owning a car isn’t as wrong as wanting it so,” she said.
    “Truth be told, I don’t know what I want anymore.” He was awful quiet for the lon gest time.
    “The Lord loves you, Ben. Why don’t you ask Him to lead you?”
    He looked her straight in the eye. “I .
    uh, would you do itforme?”
    “Right now, you mean?”
    He agreed, nodding his head.
    She prayed a gentle, compassionate prayer, requesting God’s help in the life of her precious brother. When she finished, tears glistened in Ben’s eyes. “I’m awful proud of you,” she said.
    ” ‘Pride goeth before a fall,’ ” he said flatly, a hint of a smile on his face.
    “Oh, go on. You know what I mean.” His face turned ever so serious then. “Jah, I believe so, Katie,” he said. “I be lieve I do.”
    Ben’s visit gave her the boost she needed to drive over to see her parents. Mam’s and Dat’s faces were unsmiling as she shared about her doings at church and Daniel’s work as a draftsman.
    After a time Mam said, “Benjamin was just here and left with the horse and car riage.”
    Dat nodded. “He finally wants to talk farming. On our land.”
    “That’s good,” she said cautiously.
    Dat continued. “The land is God’s
    greatest gift to mankind. Never does it be tray you. The longer you live on the land, the more you’ll come to love it.”
    Katie wondered what Dat was getting at. Was this his way of speaking his mind in so many words? This was surely a different way than she’d ever known Dat to be.
    Mam’s eyes sparkled. A curious frown crossed her brow. “You wouldn’t happen to
    know ‘bout Ben’s sudden interest in
    farming, would ya?”
    She wouldn’t let on. She’d given Benjamin her word. “Some young men take longer to mature than others, that’s all,” Katie said.
    “Well, now, ain’tthatthe truth!” Dat was in total agreement.
    “Is that true of young women, too?” Mam asked.
    Katie was prepared for this, for Mam to bring up the topic one way or another. Every time they talked by phone, lately, Mam was saying something to this effect. So why would she overlook the opportu nity in her own house? ‘Specially with Dat here to back her up?
    “Idon’t mean that you’re not mature,” Mare added. “Just would be awful nice ifyoureturned to the People, Katie. You and Daniel both reestablished in the
    church community.”
    “I don’t have to attend the Amish church to belong to the Lord.” She put it as gently as she knew how. “Clan and I gladly offer our lives and our talents to God’s work. For His glory.”
    Her father was fidgety, as if he wanted to debate the issue in the worst way. But he kept a-rockin’ in his chair, shaking his head every now and then. Not once did he agree with her, not at all, yet something about his eyes made her wonder if he was softening to her just a bit. Maybe so …
    When the time came to leave, she hugged Mam, but Dat hung back, cautious of getting too close to his wayward girl, no doubt.
    “You’ll hafta drop by sometime again,” Mam said softly.
    Just not too soon ….Katie thought.
    She headed to the back door. “The same road goes to Dan’s and my house, same as here, you know,” she said quickly.
    Neither parent commented on her parting words. Just

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