Once a Thief

Once a Thief by Kay Hooper

Book: Once a Thief by Kay Hooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Hooper
Tags: Fiction
trapdoors, firewalls, every security precaution possible to protect that information. I don’t have the access codes—”
    “Then get them.”
    “Look, I’ll try. But only the office supervisor and the manager have those codes, and it’s not like they’re written down in a Rolodex on somebody’s desk.”
    “I’m not interested in your problems,” he said pleasantly. “Just get the design schematics. And do it without getting caught. I wouldn’t be pleased if you got yourself caught, Carla. Remember that.”
    Carla swallowed again, the lump in her throat bigger this time. “All right. I—I understand.”
    “Good. Now, since I’ve given you a rather difficult assignment, I’m prepared to offer a bit more time. We’ll meet on Tuesday night. Have the disk then.”
    “Don’t disappoint me, Carla. Oh—and if you were thinking of running, I’d advise against it. I will be watching you.”
    There was a soft click, and then the buzz of the dial tone.
    And an overwhelming sense of finality.

    M organ, in Wolfe’s office this time, leaned back in his visitor’s chair and swore for the third time. “Well, at least now we know how badly Jonathan screwed up.”
    “Blowing the hard drive,” Wolfe agreed, “is definitely what I’d call a screw-up. It might have taken his supervisor a few days to admit the thing was a total loss, but at least he finally did.”
    “Well, maybe it’s a good thing,” Morgan said. “As uneasy as we’ve both felt, maybe starting over with an entirely new security system is the way to go. We are doing that, right?”
    “We are. Plus the drive will have to be replaced, and all the basic programming installed again. Which won’t be cheap, but Ace
on footing the bill.”
    “Yeah, Ken Dugan told me he overheard you talking to Ace this morning. Or roaring at them, rather. According to Ken, you used words that were completely original.”
    “I was upset,” the security expert said mildly. “I wanted them to know I was upset.”
    “Which they undoubtedly do,” Morgan murmured. “Along with Ken, all the guards, and the first half dozen museum visitors here this morning.”
    “Then everybody understands my position,” Wolfe retorted.
    “I’ll say.” Morgan grinned, then said, “But the point is—can we stay with Ace?”
    Wolfe shrugged. “They’re supposed to be the best, in spite of their very red faces at the moment. And their CEO called me about half an hour ago swearing on all he holds dear that there won’t be another screw-up. He’s even pulling their top computer specialist off a job in Europe to take over for the kid who made a royal mess of things Friday. The replacement should be here by next week.”
    “And we’ll get a brand-new security system?”
    “That’s the promise. A system designed specifically for us and the exhibit, one that won’t be on record anywhere except here in this building. Max and I will have the opportunity to see and approve the entire system and all the schematics before the changeover; only the two of us, you, and the programmer will see the final plans for the exhibit security, and only Ken Dugan will see the security changes for the rest of the building.”
    “That sounds safe enough.”
    Wolfe grimaced. “I’m beginning to think nothing’s going to be safe enough. But this is the best we can do as long as Max insists on sticking with Ace Security.”
    “And he does? Even now?”
    “Even now.”
    Morgan frowned, but said, “Still, we have weeks to make sure everything’s okay before we bring in the collection. If this new programmer Ace is sending doesn’t live up to everybody’s expectations, then we can always postpone the exhibit as long as we have to. Or cancel, as a last resort.”
    “Max won’t cancel,” Wolfe said definitely.
    “Even if you pull your trump card and say Lloyd’s won’t insure the collection because of inadequate security?”
    “I’d have a hard

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