One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1)

One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1) by Danielle Dickson Page A

Book: One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1) by Danielle Dickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Dickson
grabbed my key to leave at the front desk and made my way out the door.
    “Morning, Mac, you’re up early.” Mr Holroyd was sat with his feet up on the desk like usual.
    “Morning, Mr Holroyd… Sorry, Lyle,” I said, shaking my head and correcting myself. “Yeah, I couldn’t get back to sleep so I’m going for a run before it gets too hot. Could you keep my key here please? I don’t want to risk losing it.”
    He took the key from me and nodded his head. “Sure. Betty will be in the kitchen ready to make your breakfast when you get back too. Enjoy your run.” I waved at him before heading out the door and up the street.
    It was hot already this early in the day, the air was so different to back home and I found myself getting out of breath much quicker. After what I thought was about two miles, I turned around and made my way back to the B&B.
    On arrival, I was dripping with sweat and couldn’t wait to get into a freezing cold shower. Stepping into the building, I grabbed my key and made a beeline for my room.
    Throughout my shower, all I could think about was Sammy. Those soft curves of hers and her full lips, damn those lips . I’d only ever gotten to taste them once. I always knew there was something there, on my end there was anyway. I wasn’t sure if she thought of me as more than a friend so I didn’t bring it up again and neither did she so I was sure I overstepped the mark.
    Getting out, I wrapped a towel around my waist. I still had some time before I could head over to see Lewis so I went down for some breakfast to kill time.
    Walking into the dining room, I greeted the two other guests and Betty came through to take my order.
    “Good morning! What can I get for you? We’ve got pancakes, bacon, eggs, you name it!” she said enthusiastically. I asked for a glass of water, coffee and some pancakes before she wandered off back into the kitchen.
    The dining room looked out onto the backyard and I really wanted to be out there. Standing up, I walked to the kitchen and knocked on the door but when there was no answer I opened it to Betty humming a tune whilst flipping my pancakes.
    “Would you mind if I sat outside for breakfast?”
    “Of course not! Now, out of my kitchen before I burn your breakfast.” She shooed me with her hand.
    I chuckled. “Thanks, Mrs Holroyd.”
    All I heard was her shout ‘it’s Betty’ through the door as I closed it behind me. I shut my eyes at the tranquillity of this place, I really did love it here. It was quiet, apart from the few people driving past in cars as they made their way to work.
    My cell rang at that moment and I paused at the name mom. I stared at it as my thumb hovered over the answer button then shook my head before pressing decline. I felt bad but I didn’t need to speak to her right now, I’d shoot her a quick text after breakfast to let her know I was okay though. I didn’t want her to worry.
    Taking out my step dad’s presence, my childhood was a good one. My mom was a good mom, our circumstances just made it so we didn’t get to go out and do things a regular family did. She wanted to work and go out and meet people but he’d never let her out the house.
    Squeezing my hands into fists, I realized that she had everything she wanted now and I relaxed. She had a job in a little boutique clothes shop, a great house and a loving husband who treated her like a man should treat his wife. He knew how much she loved to travel so he whisked her away any chance that he got.
    I was cautious about him when we first met but I soon warmed up to him once I saw how much he cared for my mom and now we really got along, which made my mom so happy. Pete was a good guy and I couldn’t think of anyone else that deserved my mom’s trust more than him.
    I only wished I could treat someone like that someday. Thinking about that someone got me onto thinking about what I was going to say to Lewis and Keeley, I hoped they would both play ball, otherwise my plan went

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