Operation Tenley
halfway out of its tight bun, her usual ivory-white face was smudged with soot, dried tears had dripped out of her gray eyes and made a pathway down both cheeks, and her robes were so filthy she could have been mistaken for a sipLip.
    In the bathroom (pink) she used a washcloth (pink) to clean up, and a brush (pink) to straighten down her red hair. Then she opened Tenley’s closet and stared at shoes and jackets, scarves, jeans, and dresses. She’d seen these all before, but the idea of wearing them? Never.
    A few minutes later, Pennie was dressed in the only clothes that fit her small frame: a pink miniskirt, pink leggings, and a pink T-shirt under a pink hoodie, plus the partner to the pink high-top she had tripped over—which was at least three sizes too big.
    After she put the other shoe on—so squishy and soft, so much better than her simple flat slippers—she came up with the perfect place to hide her grimy robes: the princess playhouse. She gathered the robes together. Something fell out.
    Tink’s crystal eight.
    Pennie slipped the necklace over her head and tucked the crystal under her T-shirt. The glowing crystal eight didn’t look anything human-made. She’d have to keep it hidden. She hurried out the door and over to the stairs, amazed at how much easier it was going down.

    Hadley Beach
    Pennie turned left at the end of the driveway and tripped. The shoes were huge on her. She heard a car and scurried behind the closest tree until it passed. As soon as she stepped out again, another car went by, and then another. No one seemed to notice her.
    After yet another car whizzed by she realized why: there was nothing to notice. She looked like any other teenager, just pinker and smaller, heading for school. She tucked her red hair behind her ear and started down the sidewalk again. And tripped. At least Hadley Middle School was close.
    “What is that ?” a girl asked, looking out the classroom window.
    Three heads turned to look.
    “What is she wearing?”
    “What’s with that hair?”
    Outside, Pennie stopped to catch her breath.
    “Those are ginger extensions, totally.”
    “Gingers can’t grow their hair that long.”
    “I know, right?”
    Tenley, out of her paper tutu and back in her regular clothes, sitting a row back from these girls, leaned forward. “Who are you talking about?”
    “Her.” One of the girls pointed out the window.
    Tenley smiled. “I’ve never seen her before. Who is she?”
    The girls shrugged.
    “I bet she’s here to see me. I bet she’s come to see the Ginger Ninja!”
    The girls sneered at Tenley.
    Mr. Peddle pointed his chalk at them. “Quiet down, girls,” he warned from the blackboard.
    As soon as he turned back to the board, the girls pulled out their phones and started texting each other.
    “Is she for realsies?” one of the girls whispered, glancing back at Tenley.
    “A ginger ninja. What does that even mean?”
    “She’s such a loser,” another one of the girls whispered loud enough for Tenley to hear.
    Tenley looked down at her schoolwork and pretended to take notes.
    “Omigod. It’s her ,” one of the girls said, texting it at the same time.
    Everyone in the room looked over at the door.
    “Can I help you?” Mr. Peddle asked.
    Pennie could only pant.
    “Freak,” someone mumbled.
    “Maybe she’s escaped from a pink ginger prison or something,” one of the girls whispered.
    “Are you looking for the principal’s office, young lady?” Mr. Peddle asked, putting down his chalk.
    Tenley stood. “Mr. Puddle, I think the ginger is looking for me, Tenley T., Ginger Ninja.”
    Pennie beamed. Tenley . Her client. Standing right there!
    “ Peddle . I’m going to have to call the office.” Mr. Peddle picked up the classroom phone.
    Tenley waved Pennie over. Pennie shuffled her way through the classroom, panting and sweating, pushing off desk arms and unsuspecting shoulders, while the

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