Out of My Element
     “Holy crap,” I groaned. I don’t
think I had been kissed like that since Bobby McFarland my freshman year in
high school. At least Bobby had an excuse with his braces. That was just
downright sloppy. I couldn’t help but laugh as I rode the elevator.
    The apartment was quiet when I let
myself in. Nick’s door was closed, and I was half tempted to knock on it. I
just wanted to talk to him. I missed him. I grabbed a water bottle and headed
down the hall to my room, determined to take a shower and rid myself of any
remnants of my date with Adam.
    After a long, hot shower, I crawled
into bed and fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. I wasn’t
sure if it was a dream or not, but I could have sworn that I felt Nick kiss me
on the head and tell me goodbye.
    When I woke up, the light was
pouring through my window. It was just after nine, and I knew Nick would be at
his soccer game already. I would just do things around the apartment and wait
for him. It was time for us to clear the air.

Chapter 16
    I heard her come in before eleven,
listening closely to make sure she was alone. I don’t think I could’ve handled
her bringing Adam in here. I knew that made me quite the hypocrite, but it was
hard enough on me knowing she was out with him, much less down the hall in her
bed. I am pretty sure I would have torn the door right off the hinges if that
had happened.
    I peeked in on her before I left
this morning, and she looked so peaceful as she slept. Her red hair lay in
stark contrast against the white pillow. Her soft pink lips were parted ever so
slightly. I must have stared at her for five minutes before I finally leaned
down and kissed her softly on the head and left for my game. I was going to
make her dinner tonight and talk to her. I had to try to let her know how I
felt; though, most of all, I missed her friendship.
    The morning was cold. Fall had hit
Philly in full form, and I was feeling the chill. The cold air burned my lungs
as I ran across the grassy field. I was off my game today for sure—partly due
to everything with Chelsea, but also partly to do with Adam. Every time I saw
him, I got more and more pissed off.
    I sat on the bench during half
time, trying to get my head on straight when I felt the wood shift under me.
Glancing sideways as I wiped my face, I saw Adam smiling at me.
    “Can I help you with something?” I
    “Just trying to figure some things
out.” He smirked.
    “Adam, I don’t have time for your
shit. If you have something to say, just fucking say it,” I barked as I stood
up and walked back out to the field. The game was about to start again, and I
needed to get some distance between Adam and me.
    “I’m just admiring you for your
ingenious decision to move Chelsea into your place.”
    “What the hell are you talking
about, Adam?” 
    “Well, she is obviously a
cock-tease. I hope you have more patience than me. Maybe you will have better
luck getting her in bed with her living under your roof.” He laughed.
    I’m a smart ass, sarcastic, joking
person, but piss me off, and you’ll end up putting your jaw back together with
glue, tape and staples. I didn’t even think twice before I planted my fist into
Adam’s face, but I didn’t stop there. I hit him in the stomach, and as he bent
over, I slammed my knee into his face. I would have kept going if my teammates
hadn’t pulled me off of him.
    “You son of a bitch! If you ever talk about Chelsea that way again, I’ll fucking kill you!” I was shaking with
anger. “I’m serious, Adam, Just try me!” I had never wanted to beat someone’s
ass as much as I did right now.
    “Nick! What the hell?” I felt Tom
grab my arm right before I was removed from the game with a red card.
    “Get him out of here, Tom.” The
look on my coach’s face said it all. I knew I was going to catch hell for this,
but I couldn’t think about that right now. I was too riled to think straight.

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