PARADISE COVE (PARADISE SERIES Book 1) by Patrice Wilton Page B

Book: PARADISE COVE (PARADISE SERIES Book 1) by Patrice Wilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrice Wilton
saying, "So, my sisters and I have lost two dads. But everyone handles grief differently. I went off the deep end when dad died. Yet, my younger sisters seemed to take it in their stride. Losing our step-dad for them was almost harder, I think. Still, here we are."
    "You are all brave, remarkable women. Your mother included." He gave her a long appraising look she couldn't decipher, but got her juices flowing again. "I'm surprised that you all were willing to leave your jobs behind and settle here. It's kind of remote."
    She felt her mouth go dry and wished she had a bottle of water instead of coffee. The donut was left untouched. "So am I. I didn't really expect my sisters to come. Figured it would just be Mom and I. After all, this was our step-dad's  dream and retirement plan. I mean, Mom liked the idea of it, but didn’t think she’d be alone to make it happen."
    "I'm sorry about your step-dad.  But I think you and your high-spirited sisters are doing a terrific job running Paradise Cottages. Your mother's a live wire too."
    She smiled, pleased by his comment. "Thank you. I love it here. There's such an amazing feeling of security, of being safe, that I never experienced in the city. Not after Dad died."
    "So what are your plans? You have plenty of land for expansion, but that would be quite an undertaking."
    Expansion? She wrapped her donut in a napkin. "I think we have enough to handle as it is. But we're going to spruce up the place. We'd like to have all the units painted, inside and out. Pool needs a new deck, and so on." She shrugged. "It'll all be done, but we’ve got to prioritize. November's the goal for the first phase. Not much time. The pool can wait until next summer, but I'd like the grounds and exterior painting done so it doesn't look so seedy."
    "It doesn’t look seedy,” Sean countered quickly. “It's a little rustic, but that's what people expect." He stretched and yawned. "If they wanted the Ritz, they would have gone there."
    "That's true," she answered with a laugh. "Still... I want it to be very nice."
    "Of course you do. If you need another pair of hands, I'm available. It'll be therapeutic—take my mind off things."
    "You're on a holiday," she reminded him. "And hard labor doesn't sound like much fun, therapeutic or not.” Kayla wished she could ask him the questions that begged to be answered. What drove him from Boston to Paradise Cove? Did he still have loved ones back at home?
    "I'm taking a break from work, but I'm not sure if I'd call it a holiday. Just needed time to get on my own for awhile."
    She nodded, accepting his explanation for now. Her eyes lingered on his face. "Okay. So you're a handyman now?" She spoke with a teasing grin, eager to lighten the mood. "Somehow, I can't see you with a paint brush."
    He gave a rueful smile. "Truthfully, I can't either. Not that I haven't painted a room or two."
    A vision of a younger, happier Sean came to mind. She could practically see him with a pretty young wife, their first home. Discussing color samples and wall paper—perhaps even a nursery. The thought made her heart ache. What had gone wrong? So terribly wrong, that he was here? Alone.
    She drew in a breath, pushing aside the mystery of his past to get back to the issues at hand. "I'd like to ask Miguel to do the work. Now, it doesn't look likely."
    "They don't have to settle near their relatives. The choice will be up to them."
    "Well, whatever happens, I just want them to be taken care of."
    "This agency will see to that. They have a lot of resources, Kayla. You don't need to worry."
    "You're right. But it's part of my DNA." Feeling self-conscious, she brought the conversation back to the here and now. "When do you think they'll be done with their paperwork? It seems to be taking forever."
    "That's your anxiety speaking." He stood up. "It’s only been an hour. I'll go check, though. See what's going on."
    "I'm coming too." While Sean spoke with Mr. Perez, Kayla took a

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