Past Life

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Book: Past Life by C S Winchester Read Free Book Online
Authors: C S Winchester
evening news.
    Next Frankie checked her email for updates, but no one had contacted her with similar cases. Her boss had replied to her email, questioning the wisdom of pursuing what was little more than than an animal cruelty case, but he had allowed her a few day's leeway because of the suspected supernatural element.
    Her boss, Maxwell Holden, had begun his career in the army. He was efficient, a good leader and a decorated war hero, but he was slightly lacking in the compassion department. His nickname was The Robot and it suited his character to a tee.
    She brushed his email aside and got back to the case files. As she worked, she was aware of the officers manning the Comm Room looking at her. She knew she was a curiosity but she tried to ignore their stares.
    They offered her tea and coffee regularly and they even brought her a sandwich at lunchtime. She could hear them whispering about her, wondering both what an MI5 agent was doing there, and why she never removed her gloves, but they were too professional to ask her.
    Frankie stayed until 7pm, partly because she wanted to get this job over with, but mostly so she could avoid her parents for as long as possible, although she knew that she couldn't stay here forever.
    She said her goodbyes to the officers present, thanking them for their hospitality and then she headed to her car. The sun had set but the sky was still quite light, so it hadn't been down for long. She headed home with a heavy heart, knowing that her mother would have quite a lot to say about Frankie leaving them alone today. Her mother didn't listen to reason; she seemed to think that if she believed in something for long enough, it would become a reality. 
    Frankie often wished that were true but sadly she was a realist, bordering on pessimist.
    As she pulled up to her house, parking on the road because her parents had parked in the driveway, she could sense there was a vampire in her house, along with two human auras. She mustered her bravado and prepared to face Dante.
    “ Hi Mum, Dad,” she called as she unlocked the front door and took her coat off. “How was your day?”
    Her mother bustled out from the living room, positively brimming with happiness.
    “ Frankie, darling, you'll never guess who's here.”
    Frankie plastered a smile on her face and went into the living room behind her mother.
    “ Alex!”

Chapter Eight
    Alex stood up as she entered. She was pleased to see that he looked hesitant, as though he'd got more than he bargained for when he came here.
    “ I'm sorry for barging in, Frankie. I didn't know that you had guests.”
    “ Nonsense,” her mother cut over Frankie's reply. “It's been lovely to meet you, Alex. He's very welcome, isn't he, Frankie?”
    Frankie didn't bother answering her mother, but grabbed Alex's hand and pulled him into the kitchen with her. She closed the door behind them, so that they at least had the illusion of privacy.
    “ What are you doing here?” she hissed. “I told you I didn't want to see you again.”
    “ I know and I'm sorry, but I had to see you.”
    “ Nothing's changed,” Frankie said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
    “ You still can't forgive me?” His voice was sad.
    “ I'm not exactly the forgiving type and pressuring me, bombarding me with gifts and letters isn't the way to earn my forgiveness.”
    “ Can you ever excuse what I did?”
    “ Even if I could, I still wouldn't want to be with you. We're too different. You want a woman whose only goal in life is to meet Mister Right and look after him. I want to keep my own life, my job, my independence.”
    “ Being in a couple means doing what's best for the relationship.”
    “ No, being in a relationship means I like spending time with someone, not that I want to give up my life and merge into yours.”
    “ It's too soon,” Alex sighed.
    “ It's not too soon, Alex. I will always feel this way. You're too old fashioned, your ideas of the perfect relationship are

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