Perfect Fit

Perfect Fit by Taige Crenshaw Page B

Book: Perfect Fit by Taige Crenshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taige Crenshaw
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
studied him, and Spencer blinked at the intensity. Yeah, she was very much like her aunt. Those eyes didn’t seem to miss a thing. She smiled, and it was as warm as her persona.
    “Nice to finally meet you, Spencer.”
    They shook hands, and Spencer noted calluses on her palm. She worked with her hands—he was curious about what she did.
    “You too.” Spencer looked towards the house, then back at her. “How is Mrs Moses doing?”
    “Good. She loves being so close to the grans.” Jennifer rocked on her sneaker-clad feet. “She’ll be happy to know you finally got your head out of your ass and returned to the love of your life.” Jennifer put her hands up. “Her words, not mine. She asks about you whenever I speak with her.”
    Spencer chuckled. The words sounded just like Mrs Moses. She’d said something similar when she’d tracked him down at his brother’s after he had moved out of their home. Yep. Jennifer seemed a lot like her aunt—blunt and down to earth.
    “What? I speak to her all the time and she never asked me.” Regina frowned.
    “She didn’t because she could tell how painful it was for you.” Jennifer shrugged then rolled her eyes as she continued. “It’s amazing she didn’t interfere. She wants to see those she cares about happy.” Jennifer glared at Spencer. “You better call her. Get her number from Reggie.”
    Spencer nodded, not even protesting, knowing from experience that when dealing with a Moses woman, it was best to go along.
    “Good.” She focused on Regina. “I have this wonderful item in my shop that I think you’re going to love.”
    “Yeah. Let me park my car and I’ll fill you in on it.” Jennifer got back in.
    They stepped out of her way, and she drove into her driveway.
    “Do you mind if I stop just a moment?” Regina glanced at him.
    “No problem. You go ahead. I’ll wait here.” He gestured to the bench at the end of the drive.
    Regina nodded then hurried up the driveway towards the house. Spencer took a seat on the bench, crossing his legs before him. He remembered moments when they’d been taking their walk and he’d sit in the same spot while Mrs Moses, Regina and he chatted.
    “Sitting like a lump on the log. Lazybones.”
    Spencer jumped when he heard the voice, and looked up, startled to see Driscoll in his vehicle idling at the sidewalk. He rose and went to the passenger side window.
    “If I’m a lump, then that makes you a big lump, big brother.” He rested his arms on the windowsill and grinned as he looked in.
    “Possibly. What are you doing out here?” Dris leaned across the seat and looked at the house. “Have you met Mrs Moses’s niece? I haven’t yet.”
    Driscoll was very familiar with the people living on the stretch of five blocks. They all knew him and kept the fact that he lived there private. The residents were close and didn’t want anyone invading their neighbourhood and the privacy of anyone.
    “I just did. She seems nice. Just like Mrs Moses.”
    “Blunt and no nonsense. Good. I like Mrs. Moses for her not taking shit attitude.” Driscoll looked at him. “Where’s Regina?”
    “Up at the house.” He looked back and saw her approaching. “Coming this way, actually.”
    “Then I better be off.”
    “What? Why?” Spencer stared, confused.
    “Better that she doesn’t see me. You all need to work things out.” Driscoll’s smile was sad. “Maybe someday we can work it out.”
    Spencer opened his mouth.
    He stepped back and turned to look at Regina. She was smiling, but it faded as she looked beyond him to the car. Spencer frowned, confused at what was going on between Driscoll and Regina. He looked back at the car, and Driscoll honked, then drove away. Spencer narrowed his eyes, making a note to talk with one of them about what the hell was going on. He focused on Regina, and her expression was back to normal. She came over to him and slid her arms around his waist.
    “Do you mind

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