Pippa's Rescue
and not the can’t-wait-to-see-what-happens-next grin, but a sappy love-look. Harry’d had a similar dazed look when he talked about his angel. Harry’s angel, according to the information he’d found on Harrison’s laptop, was Kiara.
    “What kind of super-antibiotic did you give Titan?” Pippa asked Aidan as he ran his hands across the horse’s flank.
    “Nothing out of the ordinary. I make my own salve from herbs, but I’ve never seen anything like this,” Aidan responded.
    “Maybe it’s the salve then,” the old doc stated. He stood hip to hip with Mattie. “Did you add anything new?”
    “No.” Aidan scratched the back of his head. “Who else has administered care to Titan?”
    “Just me.” Though Pippa and Skogul spoke at the same time how many, if any, heard Skogul?
    But Aidan looked directly at Skogul. Could he see her? Hear her? Basil stomach quivered with anticipation, hoping he wasn’t the only one. How could he prove it? He stared at Skogul. Her bright-red cheeks glittered in the dim overhead light.
    Basil glanced at Pippa. “Maybe we should take him outside to see the healed wounds in natural light?”
    “No, don’t take him into the light!” Skogul’s shout went ignored.
    “Good idea,” Pippa said. She took hold of the leather strap next to Titan’s left cheek. The mass of enthusiastic volunteers and workers followed the horse into the open area in front of the stable.
    Basil touched Dr. Hall’s arm. “Wait a moment please.”
    “No good can come from this, Basil,” Skogul spouted as she jumped from the seven-foot stall ledge. Her costume didn’t catch on the wood splinters as he would have expected. But she’d gained Aidan’s attention.
    Aidan grabbed Basil’s arm. “You can see and hear her?”
    “Yes, he can. He is the only one who is supposed to see me.” She winced, as if she’d said something wrong.
    Aidan took a step back, farther from Skogul and closer to the sunlight. “So, you and he are—”
    “No!” Basil’s outburst mimicked Skogul’s.
    “I don’t understand then. Who are you? Why are you here?” Basil directed to Skogul and then turned to Aidan. “Why are we the only two who can see and hear her?”
    “I’d like to know that, too,” Aidan and Skogul said at the same time.
    “He’s a holistic, natural veterinarian, taking over Doc’s practice.” Pippa’s voice came from behind.
    Had she heard the entire conversation? The others’ focus remained on the horse instead of the stable scene. Damn, she must have, which explained why Pippa changed the context from female to male.
    Pippa placed her backside to Aidan and the crowd, farther away, only Basil could see the anger on her face. “Who is the ‘she’ you’re referring to?” Her snappish voice sent jets of pain into his core. She didn’t trust him, yet.
    “Uh-oh, shit’s going to hit the fan now.” Skogul pasted her smirk back into place.
    Aidan frowned, and she instantly lost the sneer. She moved closer to Aidan and whispered into his ear. Basil had to diffuse the situation. He glanced at Aidan, who shrugged. Didn’t the vet think it odd Pippa couldn’t see and hear Skogul?
    “Pippa, I’d like to explain.” Basil wrapped his arm around her waist, propelling her toward the exit. She dug her heels into the floor, stopping the propulsion. A large raven flew into the stable and circled the foursome.
    “Frak.” Skogul disappeared.
    Pippa grabbed hold of a straw broom and swatted at the bird. “Shoo, bird.”
    The black, winged creature flew out and Pippa stood in front of Aidan, holding the broom handle as if she wanted to use it on a man. “Dr. Hall, all of Titan’s external injuries have healed. If you would be so kind, please enlighten us to your method of treatment for him.”
    “Indeed.” Aidan nodded to Basil as if to say We’ll talk later. The veterinarian grabbed his medical bag and walked from the stable. He didn’t look back.
    Anger stirred within Pippa, but

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