Play With Me (Pleasure Playground)

Play With Me (Pleasure Playground) by Eliza Gayle

Book: Play With Me (Pleasure Playground) by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Gayle
or she’d have noticed him removing underwear. The tight shape of his ass nearly made her swallow her tongue. Lean, muscular legs that flexed as he moved caught her eye, and she couldn’t look away. Not even when he pulled a pair of black dress pants over them.
    Quickly Eve checked to see if her mouth stood open, because openly drooling would surely embarrass the hell out of her when he caught her. With those powerful legs out of sight, she studied his back and the tattoo that covered it. The tribal markings took up nearly every inch of his back, and the intricate designs mesmerized her with every movement he made. One of these days she’d ask him what they meant. She didn’t know him as well as she’d like, but she knew him enough to know that whatever he’d permanently marked his gorgeous skin with would have meaning.
    Unfortunately he dragged a white dress shirt over all those gorgeous muscles and cut off her view. Still she watched him dress, fascinated with the care he took with his appearance. From the perfectly tucked-in shirt, to the rag he grabbed to polish the dress shoes before he slid them on his feet. The man moved with such grace and style, she couldn’t help but be impressed.
    Finally he grabbed a jacket and untied bow tie and headed her way.
    “Enjoy the show?” His lips twitched.
    “Yes, I did.”
    “Probably not as much as I enjoyed mine.” Before she could respond, the studio door opened and a slice of bright sunshine cut through the darkened room. Chase walked in with two cameras wrapped around his neck and a manila folder in his hand.
    “Looks like the two of you are about ready. Thought you might like to see these before we got started.” He walked straight to her and offered her the packet he carried.
    Eve accepted the file and opened it. Nothing could have prepared her for the image. Stark, real, beautiful, lust—so many words popped into her mind as she sifted through them. Chase was a genius with a camera. Never in her life had she looked like this.
    “Oh my God, Chase. These are unbelievable. How did you do this? How did you make me look so…” Tears of joy sprang in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
    Chase knelt in front of her, letting his camera fall to his chest. He stroked his thumbs across her face and wiped away the moisture. “Beautiful.”
    The simple word sparked a tumultuous wave of overwhelming emotion. She threw her arms around his neck and jumped into his lap. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” She peppered his neck with kisses, marveling at the warmth and gratitude she felt for him.
    “I guess she likes them.”
    Eve turned and stared at Murphy. “Like them? I love them. I’m amazed. I knew how exceptional your photos were, but these…” She had no words for how incredible they made her feel.
    “I’m glad you like them.” Chase placed her back on her knees. “Now we need to finish. You ready?”
    Eve nodded. Nerves erupted in her stomach at the last look Chase gave her before turning away. Somehow in that one glance he managed to convey so much heat she nearly burned up from it. The newly formed lump in her throat prevented her from speaking, which was probably just as well. There was nothing important to be said at this point.
    The three of them had a job to do. Something that would lead her into a path of temptation that would surely drive her crazy if she wasn’t careful. As long as it wasn’t her heart involved, she’d be fine.
    Eve squeezed her eyes tight against the thought. Those were not ideas she’d allow herself to entertain. No more heartache. She couldn’t get involved beyond this photo shoot. She had responsibilities that required her full attention, and being distracted temporarily was one thing. Beginning to think she might want a longer-term submissive role with either Chase or Murphy was such a bad idea.
    “Open your eyes, darling.” Murphy moved to the velvet love seat she knelt next to and took a seat a few inches out of

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