Project Genesis

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Book: Project Genesis by Michelle Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Romance
on the images whirling behind him. Houses and cars on fire,
entire neighborhoods ablaze. Devastation everywhere. Some smaller cities in
remote locations completely destroyed. Gone.
    Helen gnawed on
her knuckle. The camera zoomed on the oval shaped black alien craft hovering in
the air as it fired upon an ocean liner. Moments later, the ship exploded.
Tears burned the back of her eyelids. The reporter droned on as the screen
behind him faded to black.
    Vincent had rushed
out to face this. He and his men would battle creatures who possessed no concern
or value for human life. The thought of his death sent her heart plummeting and
for a moment, Helen couldn’t catch her breath. Her palm pressed against her
chest until the ache eased off. Despite the threat he’d left her with, Helen
preferred he remained unharmed.
interrupted the broadcast and the smooth face of the anchorman was replaced
with the President of the United States. President Lucy Harrison’s somber
expression beat the anchorman hands down. “Good evening, everyone. Today has
been a day of great sorrow. As reported earlier, the alien life forms we know
as the Rekabians have launched a full scale attack against the United States.
Our fellow countries report similar escalated attacks. As we prepare to defend
the world we love, we mourn those we’ve lost.”
    She paused, blue
eyes glittering with unshed tears and swiped her hand over the sleek fall of
her jet black hair. Helen thought the hand trembled but President Harrison
continued. “We will not fail. Earth will unite in our fight until we win and
send these invaders on their way.” Rose colored lips firmed and the President
pulled her shoulders back. “The battle has just begun.” Muted applause and
flashes of light followed her declaration.
    Vice President
Stone stood at her side. If he’d been injured earlier, there was no sign. He
wore a crisp navy suit, white shirt and a yellow tie with a flag tie pin. On
and on the reports rolled in. Every show highlighted the invasion of Earth as
its featured story. The death toll climbed, other countries reported similar
losses. It seemed there was no easy way to fight this enemy.
    Helen turned the
television off and stared blindly at the empty screen. So many thoughts raced
through her mind. Getting to her feet, she pondered what to do next. Watching
back to back news stories hadn’t been the smartest but at least she felt better
prepared. Knowledge truly did equal power in her experience and Helen needed to
know all she could about the Rekabians in case she faced another situation like
this evening. Information on how to kill the suckers was most important to her
way of thinking.
    Helen glanced
around searching her surroundings. This space belonged to Vin. She wondered if
her visual exploration would give her more insight into the man. The television
screamed male purchase, all fifty inches while the sofa showed signs of its
last days. Even the coffee table appeared used and worn.
    The living area
was as bland and devoid of personality as the bedroom. This place reminded her
of a vacationer’s hotel room except even hotels had decorative flair. From the
scarred wooden table, to the nicked plaid sofa and the fifty inch flat screen
all of it could have easily belonged to anyone.
     Helen checked the
clock briefly allowing concern for Vin’s safety to overshadow the hundred other
items on her mind. It neared midnight and the day in whole had been a long one.
The brief nap did nothing to rejuvenate her exhausted senses. She paced as
tension gradually pulled knots in her shoulder.
    Helen ran her
hands through her hair, pulling the loose rubber band free. If she could use
her phone, she could start putting the pieces of her life together over the
internet but she didn’t want anyone questioning her whereabouts. Best to wait
until she returned home.
    Sucking in a
breath, Helen decided it wouldn’t be wrong if she went through his place with a
fine tooth

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