Project Genesis

Project Genesis by Michelle Howard Page B

Book: Project Genesis by Michelle Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Romance
comb. Two things could occur. One, she’d get busted if he came back
soon or two, she’d find out more background on Vincent Michaels because Helen
realized, she really didn’t know him at all.
    Helen decided to
start with the living area. Nothing out of place to the visible eye except a
stack of mail on a small side table in a totally darker shade of wood. She
rifled through generic pamphlets on fitness, coupon books for a fast food place
with two squares cut out and an outdated renewal for an internet book
    The last gave her
pause. A book membership. She scanned Vin’s place but found no sign of books
laying around. Her steps led her to the bedroom area. The covers creased in the
middle where she’d rested but otherwise precise and neat. While the other room
had carpet, this floor had tile in a rustic brown. She remembered the chill on
her feet distinctly.
    Worry and anxiety
nibbled at Helen’s mind. She felt the simultaneous need to run and hide. Which
probably explained why she nearly jumped out of her shoes when the knock
sounded on the door. Helen left Vin’s private sanctuary and approached the door
with trepidation. He hadn’t left any warnings about the door. She slid her hand
in her pocket and fingered the cell phone there.
    Immediately, she
pulled her hand out. What was she thinking? Calling him would prove pointless
if he battled Rekabians. Helen edged closer, took a deep breath and opened the
door a crack. A tall, bald African American faced her calmly. “Ms. Scott, my
name is David Slade. May I have a word with you?”
    Instinct warned
her to slam the door in his face. His creepy brown eyes dared her to make such
a move. Helen stepped back slightly but remained in the doorway, not inviting
him in. “Yes?”
    His slight grin
conveyed his amusement at her actions but Helen didn’t care. “I’d like to come
in and talk unless you want to have this conversation in the hall.”
    The hall worked
fine for her since knowing his name did nothing to calm the stranger danger
vibe he gave off. Helen withheld her thoughts and cocked her hip to the side.
Considering he knew her name and Vin hadn’t exactly left her any instructions
except to keep her mouth zipped, Helen preferred to err on the side of caution.
“Is there a reason we need privacy?”
    He chuckled and
slid his hands into the pockets of tailored slacks which went in line with his
custom jacket. Give the guy a door prize, he could buy a good suit although his
tie choice left a lot to be desired. Paisley print didn’t do it for her. Or
    “I see why he
likes you.”
    He? As in Vin?
“Hmmm.” Helen played along. She could do this dance all evening. It reminded
her of meetings with her overseas vendors. One just had to watch and follow the
    “Let’s start
over.” He extended one hand toward her. “I’m David Slade, Vin Michaels' boss.”
    Helen had no
choice but to shake it as etiquette dictated but she added a nice squeeze for
good measure and made sure to flash all of her teeth when she smiled. “That’s great.
I’m Helen Scott as you’re already aware.” Next move, slimy .
    David glanced over
his shoulder, confirming the empty hall behind him. “I wanted to speak with you
about the earlier incident with the Rekabians. To get your perspective.”
    Right. Because the
six man team with Vin had left blanks. Helen held her ground. “Of course, Mr.
Slade. How can I help?”
    His shoulders
hunched forward and he grinned good naturedly but the twitch in his left cheek
warned of his burgeoning anger at her resistance. “Please, call me David.”
    Helen let her
silence and his invitation hang between them.
straightened, fire snapping in his gaze. “You’re going to want to step back
Helen Scott so I can come in and speak with you.”
    No way to
misunderstand the order in his statement or the hidden threat. She moved away
from the door, allowing him to enter Vin’s space but moving slowly to make sure

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