Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club)

Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) by Sandy Kline Page B

Book: Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) by Sandy Kline Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Kline
he’ll have to believe me.
    “So what’s this business
    “I want to hire you to
protect me for a while.”
    “Why not Blade?” He asks.
    “He would be happy to but
he’s got his own things to do and I don’t want to be forced to just sit at home
waiting for him to come home to protect me. I want to go out. I have things to
do so I need someone to be my bodyguard basically. Plus I’m kinda short on
trust right now. In fact the numbers of people I do trust I can count on one
hand and have fingers left over.”
    “I hear ya…but I don’t know
how mobile I am going to be. I’ve been up and around but I’m no spring chicken.
I’m more like an old chicken with a broken wing.”
    While he was replying my hand
crept into my purse and clasped onto Piper’s gun. Without warning him I fling
it in his direction. To his surprise he reaches out and catches it in his right
hand, despite being all wired up.
    “What the hell?” He barks.
    “Looks to me like you’re more
than ready!”
    He looks out towards his open
door as he slips his weapon beneath his blankets.
    “Why don’t you hang on to
this until I get sprung? It might freak the nurses.”
    I walk over and he hands me
his gun and it goes right back in my purse. Satisfied I sit back down in my
    “You know who killed your
friend right? He’s rotting away in Pelican Bay. Ever thought of paying him a
    I shake my head. Even if the
prisoner they have was Alex’s killer I doubt I would want to go talk to him.
And, since I know they framed the wrong guy that’s even more reason to not go
and visit him.
    “So what’s your plan Ms.
Clarkson?” Piper asks.
    “I want to learn how to
    “Seems like you already
possess that skill.”
    “That was just luck and we
both know luck is a fickle mistress. I need to become proficient and fast.
Blade is always busy and what little time I have with him I don’t want it to be
spent at the firing range.”
    “Ah…so that’s where I come in
as well. You’re bodyguard and your self-defense trainer. I can do that. But I
must warn you, I do not let my students get away with shit. I’ve taught empty
hand self-defense and self-defense with both guns and knives and I am a tough
task master. So don’t start anything you think you can’t finish.”
    “I wouldn’t want it any other
    I write my cell phone number
on a scrap of paper and hand it to him. When they spring you, call me and I’ll
come get you.”
    “Got it.”
    A nurse picks this moment to
come and check on her patient. “Time to let our friend get some rest.” She
says. “Visiting hours ended ten minutes ago.”
    “I know. Thanks for the extra
time. I appreciate it.”
    “No problem. He doesn’t get a
lot of visitors so…”
    I give Piper a warm hug.
“Call me.” I whisper into his ear.
    “Soon Ms. Clarkson, very
    I wave and walk out. All I
have to do is survive the next four or five days and then I’ll have my body
guard back. That makes two people in my life I can trust. I still don’t know
about Officer Regan. We both want the same thing, Alex’s real killer. But I’m
still not sure if I can trust her. She may be using me to get the killer and
then will I be discarded afterwards? I don’t know, but I think its time I got
actively looking for her killer before they come and find me again. Standing
outside the hospital I use my special snitch phone to call Officer Regan.
    “Are you Okay Clarkson” She
asks immediately.
    “Yeah I’m fine. I wanna look
at Alex’s file. The one that has all the information about the investigation
into her death.”
    “I don’t know if that’s such
a good idea. The pictures alone…you’re not going to want to see and once you
do, you’re not going to be able to unsee them; ever.”
    “I’m aware of that. They
can’t possibly be worse than what I’ve already imagined. So can you get me the
file or is there some strange reason you don’t want me

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