Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1)

Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts

Book: Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian D Roberts
the stairway and she heard multiple explosions from the frag grenades he tossed down.  Considering that to be a good option, she holstered her left pistol and palmed three disks, five centimetres in diameter and one centimetre deep, from a dispenser on her belt.  The dispenser automatically armed them for the five second default detonation she set before leaving the FOB.
    Not really worried where they landed, she threw them over her head into the north wing roof space.  They exploded almost straight away, in the air above the hostiles.  Screams echoed out, as the hundreds of pins surrounding the explosive in each grenade, found human flesh.  The small charge at the centre of each one, was powerful enough to drive the single centimetre long pins deep into the human body.
    A single pin would be painful for anyone caught by one but it would not be fatal unless they were very unlucky.  However each grenade contained thousands of pins  and the three, Valerie threw so casually over the ramparts, detonated far enough apart to cause havoc amongst the hostiles. 
    With them firmly distracted, Valerie drew her pistol and rolled round the corner, lying flat on her belly.  Six hostiles were either dead or incapacitated on the floor immediately in front of her, including the guy who managed to avoid her moments ago.  Further back a woman and a man were crouched by the ramparts and a woman by a pillar.  They were still in shock from the grenades.  Valerie did not give them time to recover.  Her pistols hummed and killed each one quickly.  A movement from this sections stairs caught her eye.  She rolled to her left as two men came out with their rifles at the ready.
    Firing while rolling, her shots were not as accurate as before.  This time, the jagged shards struck the legs, ripping the flesh and stopping in the bone.  They screamed in pain and dropped to the ground, where Valerie’s following shots found more vital parts of their anatomy.
    Using a pillar as cover, she came back to her feet and saw Button was finished with setting the booby trap at the west stairs.  He was now at her previous position at the corner rampart.
    “How are we doing, Major?” he called over to her.
    “Almost done I think.  On three?”  Button nodded in response.  “One, two, Three!” Valerie went to her right, around the pillar, away from Button, so that she was on the outside of the roof.  At the same time, Button came up from his crouch, around the corner and advanced along the courtyard side of the roof.
    They walked forward, guns up and firing at any threat.  There were only three hostiles left.  Button killed two of them and the last, Valerie shot in the back as the woman tried to run for the outer wall.  What she was going to do Valerie had no clue.  There was no way down.  It did not matter, the mission called for sanitisation and that meant no survivors, certainly not any of Boyle’s Enforcers.
    Reaching the stairs, Valerie threw three more grenades down and stepped back as Button moved in with the booby trap.  A simple set of linked frag grenades with a laser detonator aimed down the stairs.  If anyone crossed the lasers, the grenades would explode and in that tight, confined space, they would not survive.
    “All clear, Major.”  Richings reported as she joined Valerie and Button.  “All hostiles are down, Wester and Guggenheim are keeping an eye on the two entrances.
    “Good work, Corporal.  You look after this one.  Button, you’ve got the east wing.  I’ll check on the rest.”
    Richings took up position and Button jogged back to the first entrance he booby trapped.  Valerie stepped over to the ramparts over the courtyard.  Looking down, she was pleased to see Fourth Platoon had sortied out from the east building.  The entrance to the hidden bunker was secured with a fire team and the other three were entering the north, west and south wings.  They would link up with the teams from First and Second

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