Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1)

Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Page A

Book: Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian D Roberts
Platoon, supporting them as they cleared the building.
    Taking the moment of calm, Valerie consulted her wristcomp to get an update on the situation.  The map showed Third Platoon, with the elements of First and Second Platoons, were still some way from her position, on the south-east side of the camp.  She frowned for a moment and then shook her head with a wiry grin.  It seemed like an hour since she last checked on the Company.  In reality it had not even been ten minutes.
    Turning from the courtyard, she walked over to the North West corner of the building.  From there she had a clear view over the low, single or double storey buildings of the camp.  Her helmets night vision could not penetrate all the way to the other side, even with full magnification.  Valerie could still see almost halfway.  Further out, the multiple fires gave her a clear indication of Shadow Company’s progress.
    A wind was now coming from the south over the jungle canopy.  Valerie stepped back from the edge so she was under cover again.  In as safe a place as could be reasonably expected in the middle of what was effectively a war zone, she took off her helmet.  Running her fingers through her dark hair, she revelled in the cool breeze.  Her helmet was climate controlled and designed to allow her to operate effectively in all but the harshest environments.  Though, even the most modern combat equipment that Shadow Company used, could not regulate away the sweat from the adrenaline of combat.
    She stood there for a few minutes, letting her body cool from the rush of combat and trusting her troops.  They would call if they needed her.  Right now she was on yet another foreign world and she did wonder when it would ever end?  When would the Families running the Pantheon have enough to be satisfied?  She shook her head, not knowing the answer to that question, just as no one really did, including the heads of those same Families.  Valerie’s priority was keeping her own family safe, including the men and woman of Shadow Company.
    “Lead this is Two.”  Valerie’s com came to life with Captain Forlani’s voice and a glance at her wristcomp showed it was on the command net.
    “Go ahead, Shannon.”
    “All wings of the building are secure.  Do you want me to sortie out to meet with Vobruba?”
    “Gibson.  What’s your recommendation?  How is the situation?”  Valerie asked the Operations Officer.
    “I think those with you should sit tight, Major,” he answered.  “Third Platoon and the rest have almost finished their sweep.  They’ve met very little opposition in the South East.”  That confirmed Valerie’s early estimation of the situation.
    The Operations Officer continued his report.  “All teams have been clearing as they go and have Burn Bags of any sensitive material.”
    “Understood, Ops.  Let me know if anything changes.  Two.  Set fire bombs to this building.”
    “Yes, Major.”  Captain Forlani replied.  Without bringing in Fifth Platoon and their heavy armament or using the ordinance on board the Helos, they did not have the tools necessary to destroy a permacrete building.  The fire bombs would do just as well by consuming everything inside in an inferno burning at over a thousand degree centigrade.
    “Lead, this is Four.  We’re in the bunker.  I think you should come down to have a look at this.”
    “OK, Four.  I’m on my way.”  Valerie frowned.  The Lieutenant hadn’t used the command net.  Instead she’d called Valerie on number one, the net set aside for just Captain Forlani, the Lieutenant and Valerie.  It could be an error on Nicki Palicki’s part, but Valerie didn’t really believe that and her curiosity was aroused.
    “Richings.”  She called to her team.  “The building is secure and they’re setting the firebombs.  Remove the booby traps and get off the roof.  I’m meeting up with Lieutenant Palicki.  I’ll see you outside to the west

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