Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Page A

Book: Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
Tags: greek gods, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, phoenix
Rory paused and looked up at the full moon hanging low in the sky then chuckled, “I’m getting good at being wrong here lately, huh?”
    “You’ve always been good at being wrong. You’re just getting good at saying it,” Kell barked out a laugh as the rest of their raiding party exited Rory’s house.
    Rian, who’d stayed up on the porch, called out, “Now that Ror’s got his head out of his butt, everybody ready to kick ass and take names?”
    A unanimous ‘Hell yeah’ filled the night sky as the dragons and werepanthers climbed into their various vehicles. Both Rian and Royce stopped in front of Rory’s Harley as they headed to their black SUV. The youngest O’Reilly brother prepared for the speech he knew was coming as his older brothers stood staring. Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long.
    “Just don’t do anything stupid,” Royce chuckled before adding, “well, stupider than usual.”
    “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Roy,” Rory scoffed.
    “No problem. That’s what I’m here for,” Royce snickered as he turned and walked toward his vehicle.
    Rian stood still, brows furrowed, arms crossed over his chest, looking over Rory’s shoulder. He could tell his oldest brother was deep in thought, which never bode well for anyone. Needing to get the show on the road, he teased, “Keep my head outta my ass and my eyes open. Don’t get myself or anyone else killed. Don’t go off half-cocked and follow the plan. Did I miss anything?”
    Never taking his eyes off whatever he was contemplating, Rian answered, “Yeah, that works.” Shaking his head, the Dragon Leader turned and headed to the black SUV Royce had already started without another word.
    Rory sat dumbfounded, not sure what had just happened, when Rian’s voice sounded in his mind. “I’m proud of you, Ror.”
    Rian’s words hit home. The brothers had always been close, always had each other’s backs, always knew their bond went deeper than most, but what they really felt for one another was just known...unspoken. It had always been there and always would be there until the end of the time. They weren’t a mushy bunch. Their idea of showing love was pranking and teasing. The more bruises they gave each other or the louder they laughed at the other’s misfortune, the more they knew they cared. So for Rian to actually man up and say the words was a huge deal. Rory was humbled to say the least.
    “You, too, Ri.”
    “Well, if you two are done with the love fest, whatcha say we go get your mate, Ror?” Roy was laughing but Rory knew he felt the same way.
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Rory chuckled . “I can’t help it if Ri can’t block his thoughts any better.”
    “Whatever,” Rian snorted.
    And just like that everything was back to normal. Engines flared to life as one by one the dragons and werepanthers drove out of the lair, heading toward the griffin compound ... and Claire.
    Three hours later and Rory was once again sitting and waiting. Kayne was by his side as they both watched Lennox set the charges on the large power station that would leave the griffin compound in darkness. He could feel Claire even more strongly than before. Had stayed constantly connected to her since leaving the lair. Was at the back gate because he knew she was being held in a large bedroom on the top floor at the back of the ostentatious fortress the Slade’s and their clan called home.
    “Nice pile of bricks, huh?” Kayne asked through their unique link. Rory had to laugh at the way the demi-god/Guardsman, who they’d saved from over a century trapped in hell as a hellhound, was learning to use modern day slang. He’d heard that Lennox and Pearce were catching Kayne up on the hundred years of current events and customs he’d missed. A few of the things Kayne had said since Rory had awakened made the youngest O’Reilly brother wonder if Lennox was the best person for the job.  After all, it was pretty clear that the mad bomber’s idea of

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