Return to Celio

Return to Celio by Sasha Cain Page A

Book: Return to Celio by Sasha Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Cain
Tags: Romance
get enough.
    We made our way down the side of the mountain by way of a narrow walking trail that had been worn into the earth. We headed toward town with Darrios leading the way.
    An old-fashioned, but well-maintained cobblestone road cut through town, accenting the perfectly kept houses of coordinating colors with well-manicured lawns complimenting both sides of the street.
    At the end of the road, next to a sweet shop, was a general store and a couple of other buildings. I took it all in as if it were a dream.
    The only thing missing was technology...of any kind. I didn’t see one vehicle, no streetlights, not a single telephone, and no neon anything. How strange, but wonderful at the same time.
    “C’mon,” Darrios urged, “I want Jezbah to take a look at your neck.”
    I asked him who Jezbah was. He told me he was the doctor, or the closest thing to one. I nodded.
    “When I first came here, Bernie introduced me to Jezbah’s sister. I had a bit of a bad attitude back then. She made it her mission to straighten me out. She was like a mother to me...more than my own mother ever was, kind of like your aunt, I guess. ”
    “Sounds like you were lucky to have her.”
    “I wouldn’t have made it without her.”
    “I’d love to meet her,” I said sincerely.
    Darrios frowned. “I wish you could, but she died awhile back.”
    “Oh, I’m so sorry.”
    “No, it’s okay. She was old. It was her time to go. She didn’t suffer. She just didn’t wake up one morning. I was lucky to have known her. She brought Jezbah and me together. I like to think having me around made her happy. She always said it did. Bernie says certain people just need each other. You know, kind of like some things are just meant to be.”
    I wondered what Bernie would say about Darrios and me. We walked to the end of the street to the building next to the general store. Darrios went in. I followed. He hollered for Jezbah.
    A portly, balding gentleman, who, I thought, looked exactly like a doctor should look, came waddling into the room, smiling, wearing his glasses low on his nose.
    “Darrios, my boy, so good to see you again! You mustn’t wait so long between visits.”
    “Been busy, Jez. Things are really hopping out in the rim,” Darrios replied.
    Jezbah shook Darrios’ hand and then pulled him into an embrace. After hugging Jezbah, Darrios stepped away, gesturing toward me. “Jez, this is Maggie. We had a bit of a run in with a viocomen just before coming in. It got her pretty good with its claws. Can you take a look?”
    I smiled and said hello as Jezbah took my hand, smiling warmly at me. “It’s lovely to meet you, my dear. Now, let’s have a look. Where is the damage?”
    Darrios gently pulled my hair aside and pointed. Jezbah looked, carefully examining the wound. He asked me if it burned. I nodded.
    “The viocomen have a type of venom in their claws. The burning sensation helps to further weaken their prey. You’re a lucky young woman. If this had been any deeper, you’d have probably lost consciousness. Things could have turned out considerably differently.”
    “Fucking filthy viocomen,” Darrios spat.
    Ignoring Darrios’ outburst, Jezbah said, “It should go away in a couple of hours, but these wounds are often slow to heal. Let me clean it up and bandage it for you.”
    He clipped my hair up and got to, he and Darrios chit-chatting all the while. I found him to be very thorough, but gentle as well.
    “Thank you,” I said. “But I’m afraid I didn’t come here prepared. I don’t have any way to pay you.”
    Jezbah looked at Darrios and laughed a full belly-laugh. I looked back at him, puzzled.
    “Oh, my dear, don’t worry about it. We do things for each other around here. We take care of our own. It all works out in the end.”
    I was really beginning to like this place.
    Darrios said goodbye, promised not to stay away so long, and we left. I let my eyes wander as we walked a little way down the street. Wispy

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