Revenge Sex
only daughter was thirty-three years old. He never
forget her birthday, never made Ruby run out to buy a present for
her. She’d never been the mothering type, but there was something
about a man who doted on his daughter. It the same way she felt
about Clay and his boys. How could you not admire a man who was an
exceptionally good father?
    He was looking at her, as if he wanted
something more from her. She thought she knew what it was. “Clay
    He held up his hand. “Not my business. What
is my business is whether you’re up to working today.”
    Whether you’re up to working? He
sounded concerned about her feelings. But that didn’t make sense.
She was his secretary. Why would he care? He was a good boss, not
some touchy-feely kind of guy.
    “I’m here,” she said, which should have told
him everything.
    But Holt kept insisting. “I know. But I’ll
also understand if you need another day.”
    She stared at him. His face didn’t give away
anything. Being a CEO—or a gambler—he had to have complete control
over his features. She couldn’t tell whether he was disapproving,
or if he even knew why Clay had walked out.
    She wasn’t about to give him any more
information. “I can work just fine.”
    Clay had probably painted her in the worst
light. She’d cheated, no caveat, no mention of the fact that he
actually sent her out to screw other men.
    Then she smiled, to take the bite out of her
tone. After all, Holt was a man and her boss, and she’d learned at
an early age that it was always best to keep the men in your life
happy. “But I really appreciate your concern. Is there anything
    He gazed at her a moment longer, his eyes
irritatingly unreadable. “No, Ruby. Nothing right now.”
    “I’ll get back to the filing.” She gave him
one more smile before she headed out the door. Once she was back at
her own desk, the smile faded from her lips.
    Not only had Clay left, worse, he’d talked to
Holt about it. That meant things were far more serious than she’d
    The problem was that Ruby—who had a plan for
everything when a man was involved—didn’t have a clue what to
    * * * * *
    After his initial apology on Monday, Clay
hadn’t said a personal word to her in two days. He was all business
all the time. Jessica had waited. Nothing happened. He hadn’t even
looked at her like he’d ever touched her. Licked her. Made her
    How was she supposed to make him notice
    By Wednesday morning, she’d been ready to
scream in frustration. Until she’d gotten an idea. A brilliant
idea. Right after lunch, she had a meeting with Clay about the
construction-in-progress account,.
    And during lunch...
    “That was fucking hot.” Vince. He always knew
the right thing to say.
    Jessica licked her fingers, then rubbed his
semen into her chest, around her nipples, trailed it down her
    They were in her bed; his place was too far
    Jessica checked her watch. She had twenty
minutes, plenty of time to dress and make it back to work.
    “We should do this more often,” Vince said,
relaxing against the pillows, arm over his head, eyes closed, a
shit-eating grin on his face. “Lunchtime quickies are great for
reenergizing the afternoon.”
    “I usually don’t have time.” Jessica normally
showered after a booty call, but she’d seen the benefits of wearing
the scent of sex as if it were perfume.
    She didn’t want to think about how she was
blurring the lines between work and personal, that she was actually
coming on to her boss, that it could only end in—
    “Hey,” Vince said, thankfully cutting into
her thoughts. “I got a line on a controller position for you.”
    Her heart jumped all the way to her throat.
There was only West Coast, only Clay. Jessica swallowed, ratcheted
back. “Oh?” Good, she sounded mildly interested.
    “Jack is turning in his resignation on
Friday.” Vince had gotten his current contracting job through his
buddy Jack, who

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