Revolutionary (The Athena Lee Chronicles Book 4)
Would the marine guards stop him if he has official orders?
    Captain Gorshin was in his ready room working when his vid screen lit up in front of him. The video was of his new Chief of Engineering ordering Athena to follow him and then berating her. Reprimanding junior officers was not a bad thing. When his Chief mentioned orders the Captain sat up a little straighter. The screen changed and a set of orders from the Governors office addressed to Chief Hadley appeared. Since when do orders from the Governor go to the Chief Engineer first and not the captain. “Wilson is that you?” The screen blinked. Where are they now? The vid was back but this time showing a corridor very close to the entrance. Crap! The Captain mashed a button on his console.
    “Battle Stations. Battle Stations. All hands to Battle Stations.
    With battle stations echoing throughout the ship the crew was scrambling out of their bunks and work areas. Commander Wang burst into the Ready Room followed by the security detail. “Captain, is everything alright?” The security detail, heads swiveling, had guns at the ready.
    The Captain pointed at the vid screen. “Hadley is going to turn Lieutenant Lee over to the ESS. We have to stop him.” The screen showed the commander and the lieutenant at the hatch to the personnel ramp. Switching to exterior cameras, the screen now showed several platoons of black clad ESS troops surrounding the space dock area and the personnel ramp of the ship.
    “Tell our marines that I want them armored and at the hatch ASAP full weapon load out!”
    The captain and his security escort ran to stop the commander.
    The ship was still at Battle Stations when Commander Hadley and Lieutenant Lee reached the personnel ramp. Because of the alert the room had extra guard on the door and behind the defensive point in the room. The OOD Ensign Darville saw the two officers enter the the room. The ship was at Battle Stations. All personnel were supposed to be at stations. Checking his sidearm he approached the commander.
    “Excuse me Commander but this area is closed due to Battle Stations. You and the lieutenant will have to return to your stations.”
    Commander Hadley vented his rage on the Ensign. “Ensign, how dare you tell a Superior officer where he may go! I will put you on report for that! Now open the outer door the lieutenant and I have business on the station.”
    “Sir, only the Captain may give those orders. While the ship is at Battle stations the door will remain sealed.” Ensign Darville tried to keep a stern face.
    The now furious Commander thrust hard copy printouts of the ‘secret’ order that he had been given by the Governor at the ensign. “This is my order. It is signed by the sector governor himself. I am to take Lieutenant Lee through that door and give her over to the ESS troops! Now open that door!”
    Turning to me the Ensign asked if I knew why I was being sent to the station. I immediately objected to the Commanders orders and said that he was forcing me to go under orders.
    Red faced the Commander whirled around and struck me across the face. “How dare you question my orders! I am a superior officer you WILL obey me! I have official orders given to me personally by the Sector Governor placing you under arrest and turning you over to the ESS! The Governor trust me to…” He didn’t get to finish.
    The forward hatch opened and two full squads of armed and armored marines marched through followed by Captain Gorshin. “Go ahead and finish your statement Commander Hadley. I’d like to know how the Chief Engineer gets orders from, what did you say ‘the Governor himself’ to arrest an officer without telling either security or the Captain of the ship? Just how is that Commander?” He motioned to the marines.”Take the commander into custody please.”
    “Captain, you

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