Right Next Door

Right Next Door by Debbie Macomber Page A

Book: Right Next Door by Debbie Macomber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Macomber
Jeff?” Cole asked pointedly.
    It looked for a minute as though the boy was going to argue. For the first time in recent memory, Robin would’ve welcomed some resistance from him.
    â€œI guess,” he said. Bathing was about as popular as homework.
    â€œI didn’t make any coffee,” Robin said in a small voice. She simply couldn’t look at Cole and not see the beautiful blonde on his arm.
    â€œThat’s fine. I’m more interested in talking, anyway,” he said. He walked purposefully to the table and pulled out a chair, then gestured for her to sit down.
    Robin didn’t. Instead, she frowned at her watch. “My goodness, will you look at the time?”
    â€œNo.” Cole headed toward her, and Robin backed slowly into the counter.
    â€œWe’re going talk about that kiss,” Cole warned her.
    â€œPlease don’t,” she whispered. “It meant nothing! We’d both had a hectic week. We were tired…. I wasn’t myself.”
    Cole’s eyes burned into hers. “Then why did you cry?”
    â€œI…don’t know. Believe me, if I knew I’d tell you, but I don’t. Can’t we just forget it ever happened?”
    His shoulders rose in a sigh as he threaded his long fingers through his hair. “That’s exactly what I’ve tried to do all week. Unfortunately it didn’t work.”

    â€œI’ ve put it completely out of my mind,” Robin said, resuming her string of untruths. “I wish you’d do the same.”
    â€œI can’t. Trust me, I’ve tried,” Cole told her softly. He smiled and his sensuous mouth widened as his eyes continued to hold hers. The messages were back. Less than subtle messages. You can’t fool me, they said, and I didn’t want to admit it either.
    The sense of expectancy was written across his face. For the life of her, Robin couldn’t tear her eyes from him.
    She didn’t remember stepping into his arms, but suddenly she was there, encompassed by his warmth, feeling more sheltered and protected than she had since her husband’s death. This comforting sensation spun itself around her as he wove his fingers into her hair, cradling her head. He hadn’t kissed her yet, but Robin felt the promise of it in every part of her.
    Deny it though she might, she knew in her heart howbadly she wanted Cole to hold her, to kiss her. He must have read the longing in her eyes, because he lowered his mouth to hers, stopping a fraction of an inch from her parted lips. She could feel warm moist breath, could feel a desire so powerful that she wanted to drown in his kiss.
    From a reservoir of strength she didn’t know she possessed, Robin managed to shake her head. “No…please.”
    â€œYes…please,” he whispered just before his mouth settled firmly over hers.
    His kiss was the same as it had been before, only more intense. More potent. Robin felt rocked to the very core of her being. Against her will, she felt herself surrendering to him. She felt herself forgetting to breathe. She felt herself weakening.
    His mouth moved to her jaw, dropping small, soft kisses there. She sighed. She couldn’t help it. Cole’s touch was magic. Unable to stop herself, she turned her head, yearning for him to trace a row of kisses on the other side, as well. He complied.
    Robin sighed again, her mind filled with dangerous, sensuous thoughts. It felt so good in his arms, so warm and safe…but she knew the feeling was deceptive. She’d seen him with another woman, one far more suited to him than she could ever be. For days she’d been tormented by the realization that the woman in the restaurant was probably the one he spent his weekends with.
    â€œNo, please don’t.” Once more she pleaded, but even to her own ears the words held little conviction.
    In response, Cole brought a long slow series of featherlight kisses

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