Romance: Bears Seeking Bride: Double Trouble: A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance Standalone

Romance: Bears Seeking Bride: Double Trouble: A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance Standalone by Ashley Hunter Page A

Book: Romance: Bears Seeking Bride: Double Trouble: A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance Standalone by Ashley Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Hunter
don’t even know you.”
    “I don’t know you either. I just met you.”
    “Don’t even…” she started, but stopped when she noticed the boy from her math class with the glasses. “Oh my God, there’s two of you.”
    “Yeah, that’s my brother Lucas, and I’m David,” he laughed.
    Lucas looked up and adjusted his glasses as he did earlier, “Come on, we have to go.”
    “See ya’ later. Try not to eat too much before we see each other next!” David called back.
    Sabrina only frowned. She expected her first day of college differently, that was for sure. Unfortunately for her, every class she spent with each brother grew progressively worse. In math, she continued to not understand the concepts.
    Even if she asked someone else to help her, Lucas would have some snide comment on her “incompetence.” On the other hand, David insisted on sitting near her, seemingly to just make fat jokes. She counted the days until the semester was over.

    Somehow, she made it through her first semester with her GPA - and sanity - intact. She sauntered into her first class - a Chemistry lecture - of the new semester with a new view on life. She sat near the back (as she often did), excited to finally be free of the Bogarts.
    “Why, if it isn’t Sweet Buns,” a familiar male voice said behind her.
    She cringed and turned to see not just one of the twins, but both. She felt her heart sink from her chest to her stomach like a stone. “Hello David. Lucas.”
    Lucas seemed as dour as always. He readjusted his glasses and nodded in greeting before sitting down. He didn’t seem especially interested in seeing her.
    “It’s such a pleasure to see you,” David grinned. “Did you gain weight?”
    “No. I lost ten pounds, actually,” Sabrina frowned. “Did you and your brother become even bigger jerks?”
    Lucas raised an eyebrow as David laughed. The former didn’t respond, while the latter retorted that it “wasn’t possible” for him to become a bigger jerk.
    “If you ask any of my exes, you’ll know that I’m already pretty big,” he winked.
    She rolled her eyes and turned back around. So much for a new start.
    After class, she left as quickly as she could in order to avoid any kind of conversation with the twins. Lucas seemed to want to get her attention, but she was in no mood for his condescension after David’s insults. She slammed into her apartment with an exasperated groan and collapsed into the couch. Delia sat on her “man chair,” checking her phone.
    "Glad to see you’re back in town. I thought you were coming back tomorrow for some reason,” Delia said. “Good day?"
    "No. These twin brothers who were in my GE classes last semester are making my life hell," Sabrina answered. “They’re in my class again because someone up there hates me.”
    "The Bogart brothers?"
    "How did you know? Did I mention them before?"
    "No, I just figured. I went to high school with them, and they were in my Physics class last semester. They have been jerks forever."
    "I hate them."
    "I think David is infatuated with teasing people about being fat. They are usually not fat either."
    "He does that to me all the time!"
    "Lucas is just really pretentious."
    "So, it's not just me?"
    "Well, they are usually more cruel to girls they are attracted to."
    "Shut up."
    Delia shrugged, "It's just what I've observed. They are some weird dudes."
    “I hate them both. They are so mean to me.”
    “You know what you should do if they are both secretly in love with you?”
    “Even if they were attracted to me - which they aren’t - it’s incredibly unlikely they’d be in love with me. We’ve known each other a very short time.”
    “I’m not going to argue semantics with you,” Delia snapped. “What I’m saying is you should date them both and then break both their hearts. That would really show them.”
    “Yeah right. I hate their guts, but they are both really attractive. I’m not their type.”

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