Rush - Blue Devils MC Book 2 (Book 1 Included FREE for a short time only!)

Rush - Blue Devils MC Book 2 (Book 1 Included FREE for a short time only!) by Ashley Rhodes Page B

Book: Rush - Blue Devils MC Book 2 (Book 1 Included FREE for a short time only!) by Ashley Rhodes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Rhodes
    “Turbo, what am I going to do?” she asked the old, wizened dog. He thumped his tail at his name and reached his nose up beseechingly. She obliged and put her head down by his face and he bathed it, his tongue even swiping through her ear. “Ack! Turbo!!” she laughed, pulling away. He thumped his tail harder against the couch cushions, and she swore she saw him smile. “You’d love Isabel,” she told him as she petted him. “She was abandoned as a baby at an orphanage - she’s a huérfana , you know - and I don’t know how she’s stayed so sweet in the intervening years. She was so damn trusting of me - she knew I’d protect her.
    “But Turbo, I didn’t. I didn’t protect her. The Chupas took her and all I did was manage to get shot in the head. I failed her.”
    And she buried her face in his fur and felt him nuzzle her head and swore to herself that if she got Isabel back, she was never going to let her go.

Chapter Eight
    Rush stood in shock in the doorway and listened to Blue’s broken-hearted confession to Turbo.
    She has no idea how brave she was that day on the bus. She thinks she failed ? She was trying to stand up to bastards and assholes who think that kidnapping little girls is an acceptable Sunday evening activity, and were armed with goddamn assault rifles to boot. How can she think what she did was anything less than heroic??
    He opened up his mouth to say something, to ease the pain off her face, but realized that words weren’t going to mean anything to Blue. She’d heard it ever since she’d woken up - what a hero she was. It was all the news broadcasters could talk about, and the headlines of the newspapers could say. Him telling her this yet again wouldn’t mean a damn thing.
    Right now, though, he needed to take care of her. She’d been trying to take care of others for long enough; it was time for him to take over.
    He shuffled his feet on the hardwood floor, intentionally stepping on a board that creaked, and then walked into the room. “Hey Blue!” he said, too cheerfully. Dial it back …
    “So,” he started again, a tad less enthusiastically, “I was thinking that you’d probably appreciate a shower, and I think we should maybe take a look at your wound on your head. While I was tying up the Chupa in the closet, I may or may not have helped myself to a few bandages. Where’s your purse?”
    “My purse?” she echoed, confused. “I think I saw it in your bedroom. Why?”
    “Well, I couldn’t exactly shove the bandages down my leather chaps, could I?” he asked with a naughty grin. “That would make all the tongues wag. So I put them into that giant sack you call a purse.”
    “Hey, that purse has a lot of uses!” she called out after him as he walked towards his bedroom. “Like, sometimes, I use it to whack motorcycle gang members upside the head, so I can knock some sense into them.”
    He grinned to himself at her response. Yup, she was definitely feeling better already. He pulled the bandages and the syringe out of her purse carefully, placing the syringe into the nightstand drawer next to the bed, and then bringing the bandages and gauze with him back to the living room.
    “I…borrowed enough to hopefully get you through,” he said, dumping the bandages on the coffee table. Her eyes widened at the pile in front of her. Large pile in front of her.
    Okay, so maybe he’d…borrowed enough for three head injuries. Whatever. At least Blue would be taken care of.
    “But I really think you should go take a shower. I think that’d make you feel a hundred times better. Then I can patch you back up again.”
    With a final pat to Turbo, she stood up.
    “That sounds like a good plan. We should probably also go clothes shopping sometime soon, because I didn’t exactly pack for this trip to the US and although I appreciate my father bringing me some clothes, they’re not exactly in fashion now. Thank God I haven’t gained too much weight since high

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