Saviour: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel (Savior Book 3)

Saviour: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel (Savior Book 3) by Natasha Thomas Page A

Book: Saviour: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel (Savior Book 3) by Natasha Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Thomas
regardless of the fact we haven’t spoken for over a year, so I go with the truth.
    “I didn’t want retaliation for what was probably just a dig at the club, I still don’t. Nothing came of it, so I left it alone, and you will too.”
    Faster than I can blink Tank’s hand goes through the wall to his right, fury emanating off him in waves. I’m not scared of him, and I never have been. I know Tank would never hurt me. No matter what I do, or how badly I hurt him, he’d never raise a hand to me.
    “What. Happened? Exactly Priscilla. I want to know exactly what happened.”
    And that’s how I came to be sitting on Tank’s lap. His back to the headboard, me cradled across his thighs. His arm behind my back. His free hand stroking down my arm still in my bra and panties. I let my tears, the one’s I hadn’t up until now flow free. Tank didn’t speak intelligible words, and he didn’t offer me platitudes. He simply offered comfort, which I took as he kissed the crown of my head over and over again promising he’d never let anything like that happen to me ever again. And I believed him. Every word. We stayed like that for what felt like hours until eventually I succumbed to the darkness of sleep.
    Hours later I woke up alone feeling empty and drained. The side of the bed Tank slept on was cold, so I knew he’d left a long time before. I have to admit that hurt a little. Okay, so it hurt a lot. Knowing Tank he would’ve told the guys at the club by now, at the very least Priest, Pipe, and Reaper, so I’m expecting a visit not too far in the future. One that I don’t want, and really don’t need, but will come nonetheless. Prepared or not I’m going to have to face this head on.
    Something else I don’t know is how to feel about Jas ratting me out to Tank. I get it was probably something I should never have asked him to keep my confidence about, but that didn’t lessen the sting of him going behind my back telling the one person I specifically said I didn’t want to know. I’m angry sure, but I understand why he did it. Tank’s his brother, and Jas knows how protective he is over my sister and I. I suppose in hindsight, now it’s out there, it’s better than the alternative, Tank finding out another way.
    I have to give it to Tank, aside from the hole in my previously perfect wall, he kept his thermonuclear temper in check. I’d deal with Jas in my own time, but he better believe he’s going to get an earful from me before his little visit is over. Clearly if Kai’s here he knows too, that’s just another person I’m going to have to explain thing to. Great. It won’t be long before all six brothers, their dad, mom, and grandpa all know about my humiliating experience. I’m not ashamed of it. It wasn’t my fault. But it was something I’d have preferred to put to the back of my mind in the ‘don’t fucking think about it’ basket given the choice.  
    By the time I enter the kitchen that night it’s eight-o’clock. I’m hungry and emotionally exhausted, but I have to make sure Tilly eats something that’s more nutritious than cardboard, so cooking it is. Rounding the wall that separates the hallway from the kitchen, I almost have a heart attack on the spot. Jesus Christ. It’s an invasion of the Adams kind.
    Sitting around my kitchen table devouring cartons of Chinese food is Tilly, Tank, Jas, Kai, Brody, and Noah. The sight makes me suck in a huge lungful of air cursing the tears building behind my eyes. The last time I had all these men around my table was almost eighteen months ago before things went bad between Tank and I. I’ve missed them desperately and don’t wait a second longer to launch myself at the closest target. Brody.
    Landing on his lap with an oomph I exclaim,
    “Oh my God, When did you get here?” His large strong hands bring me closer engulfing me in a hug I hadn’t known I needed, but now couldn’t do without.
    “Hey sexy

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