Scarred Beginnings
back up at the long cables.
    “Not by much. The stable block conversion is taking up more but we’ll get it back in the extra lettings available.” She glanced down at his wet, flapping trouser legs. “You’re a complete idiot. If you catch your death it won’t be my fault.”
    David joked back at her.
    “Huh! I’ll just ask Geraldine to nurse me back to health. Might as well get our monies worth out of her.” He only mentioned the woman as he hadn’t seen her about when Ellen gave him a guided tour of the château not long after he had arrived that morning. They had eaten lunch and taken a long tour of the grounds and still Ellen hadn’t even mentioned her.
    For some wild reason he had expected Geraldine to be on the château steps as he arrived, her green eyes glistening with love as she waited for him, ready to run forwards, her long hair flowing over her shoulders as he swept her up into his muscled arms and kissed her passionately.
    It hadn’t happened like t hat at all and now he was becoming desperate. He’d hidden his disappointment when Ellen opened the huge door and snuggled into his chest. He was thrilled to see his sister of course, but it wasn’t quite the same. He’d clasped her to him, kissed the top of her head and patted her back gently in a very brotherly fashion. Ellen had then whisked him off on a château tour but Geraldine was notable by her absence and yet he couldn’t face asking Ellen a direct question about the woman’s whereabouts.
    Now Ellen snorted at his suggestion of nursing care.
    “Huh! You’ll be lucky. I’ve told her not to pander to you already but it hardly matters anyway. She’s not here.”
    His heart dropped to his stomach and then immediately rose to his throat, constricting his breathing. Had she left them? Had she decided that she couldn’t face him? Was she avoiding him? Had all their friendly and flirtatious banter just been a game to her? The questions fell thick and fast in his head and he stared in horror at the thoughts that railed through his brain as his insides churned violently.
    Ellen, completely oblivious to his inner turmoil, carried on speaking.
    “She’s not going to be in until later in the week so you’ll just have to suffer in silence or let me look after you if you become ill. She’s at her grandmothers for a few days. The old lady had a hip replacement last week and they don’t keep you in hospital much longer here than they do in England. Geraldine’s just making sure that her grandmere is able to cope at home on her own.”
    David puffed out a huge, pent up breath and then suddenly thought he was going to pass out as all his blood rushed to his head in relief at his sister’s words. He brought his wavering senses and emotions under control before he spoke.
    “Well, of course her grandmother comes first.” He looked back up the ravine and then along the winding track t hat disappeared into the forest before leading to the château. “Maybe I should get out of these wet things and get my legs dry. I don’t want them seizing up. Which way is quickest?”
    Ellen nodded towards the cable car.
    “Walking? Back up there and the way we came. This track takes you right into the forest. It’s pretty windy and steep in places too.” She looked carefully at her brother, suddenly realizing that he was putting on a brave face. “Do you want to stay here and check out the fishing cabins and the canoe school while I run back and get the car? It’ll take me an hour to get back here but at least we won’t waste any time if only one of us goes. You need to see them before Joe arrives anyway. He’ll not be happy if I missed anything obvious. I’ve a list of jobs as long as my arm for you to do before we open; if you stay here we can kill two birds with one stone.”
    David knew exactly what she was doing. He’ d bet just about anything that there were heaters and towels inside the cabins where he could get warm and dry quickly. He nodded

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