Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann

Book: Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Hagemann
Tags: General Fiction
of his brothers. Surely they weren’t as moody as Brock was.
    She hurried home and threw together a pasta salad to take with her using her grandmother’s recipe. It was always a favorite at cookouts. It was a pretty balmy evening, so she put on a pair of shorts and a tank top foregoing the bra. Charlie kept winding himself through her legs and purring trying to get some attention. “Shoo, go lay down—I don’t have time tonight to pet you.” fell on deaf ears as Charlie continued to rub her ankles. “You are going to trip me. Now stop that!”
    Brock was on his way over to Luke’s when his phone rang. “Detective McClellan.”
    “Brock McClellan?”
    “Yes. Who’s calling?”
    “This is Taylor at the Wellcare Immediate Clinic.”
    “Oh, hello.”
    “I am calling you with your test results. Everything came back negative.”
    “Thank you for calling.”
    “Would you like to pick up your test results or would you prefer I mail them?”
    “I am heading that way right now, I will pick them up.”
    “Okay, we will see you shortly then.”
    Holly arrived at Luke and Brooke’s house a little ahead of time. Before she could knock on the door, Brooke opened it and pulled her into a hug. “I’m so glad you are here!”
    “Thanks. I’m a bit early, I hope that isn’t a problem.”
    “No, are you kidding me? Come on in. Luke is in the backyard firing up the grill and Sam will be here shortly.”
    “Oh, I didn’t know I would get to meet Sam too.”
    “Is that a problem?” Brooke asked.
    “No, not at all. I was looking forward to meeting Luke, so this is an even better surprise.”
    “I do love surprises!” Brooke said as she could hardly contain the smile. “Come on, I will introduce you to Luke.”
    Holly followed Brooke through the house and out the back patio door. “Luke! Look who’s here—it’s Holly. She is the detective that I told you I met last week.”
    Luke wiped his hands on the front of his pants before extending a hand to Holly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My wife has told me so much about you.”
    Holly automatically shook the offered hand, and was shocked as she was yanked in close for a hug. “Oh my! I sure didn’t expect that! I am pleased to meet you too.”
    “We McClellan men are known for our affections.”
    Holly must have looked confused as Luke continued. “Well most of the time we are.”
    “Hey!” Sam shouted, “Where is everyone?”
    “Out in the back at the grill.” Luke shouted back. “Now you get to meet the last of the McClellan men.”
    “I am looking forward to it!” Holly responded.
    “I grabbed you a beer Luke. Oh, hello—and who would this gorgeous woman be?” Sam asked pointing his beer towards Holly.
    Holly stepped forward and extended her hand to Sam. “Hello, I’m Detect…‌sorry, habit of the job, I’m Holly Cavanaugh, and I assume you are Sam?”
    “You really are a detective.” As he winked and picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
    “Thank you. You are being too kind.”
    “What can I get you to drink? Do you drink beer?”
    “Yes, a beer would be great.”
    “I’ll be right back—you have a seat over there.” Sam said pointing to the patio set.
    “Should I be helping Brooke in the house with something?” She asked Luke.
    “No, she is just getting plates, napkins, and silverware. She will be out here shortly. Well, speak of the devil—here she comes now.”
    “Are you talking about me again?”
    Luke came up behind Brooke and kissed her on the neck as he took the plates from her hand. “Let me help.”
    He set the plates down on the table and wrapped his arms around Brooke and began to rub her belly. Holly felt as though she was intruding on their special moment and wondering what that type of love felt like. “When are you due?” Holly asked.
    “October 22 nd .” Brooke responded.
    “You look really great—do you know if you will be having a boy or a girl?” Holly

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