Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann Page B

Book: Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Hagemann
Tags: General Fiction
    “I guess I wasn’t. Maybe this is an omen and we really do need to keep a work only relationship.”
    “Oh honey, from the way he was looking at you earlier, he wants more than a work only relationship.”
    There was a knock on the door. “Brooke? Are you in there?” Luke asked.
    “Yes, Holly and I will be out shortly.”
    “Good because supper is ready.”
    “We will be right there.” Brooke repeated.
    Holly jumped off the bed and went to the door and opened it. “Luke it was really nice to meet you, but I think I need to leave.”
    “Let me at least walk you out.” He offered.
    Luke grabbed a hold of Holly’s hand and without her knowledge turned to wink at Brooke. When he got downstairs, instead of heading out the front door, he turned to go out to the patio.
    “Luke? You said you were walking me out.”
    “I am. Just not ‘out’ the door you thought. I am taking you out on the patio where you will sit down and eat supper with us. My brother can be a real jerk at times, but I can assure you that he can also be a really great guy if given the opportunity. “
    “Here she is.” Luke announced. “Now we can start eating!”
    During supper, Brock couldn’t take his eyes off of Holly for fear that if he did, she wouldn’t be there. He sensed that she was jumpy and ready to bolt if given the opportunity. Somehow he needed to talk to her alone.
    Holly stood and thanked Brooke for the invitation to supper and let Luke and Sam know that she enjoyed meeting them, but it was late and she needed to get home. Brock jumped up, “I’ll walk you out.”
    “I really don’t think that is necessary.” Holly stated.
    “It may not be necessary, but I would like to walk you out.” He pushed.
    “Thank you.”
    Brooke, Luke and Sam all hugged Holly and let her know she was welcome anytime, before Brock proceeded to walk her out to her car. Holly reached for her car door “Thank you for walking me out. I will see you tomorrow.”
    Brock held the door shut. “Holly, we need to talk.”
    “I don’t think so, I got the message loud and clear.”
    “No! You didn’t. I mean obviously I was a jerk this morning, and from that you could jump to a conclusion, but that would be the wrong one.”
    “That doesn’t even make sense.”
    “I’m not very good at this. I made a decision this weekend.” He continued.
    “Yeah, you had a great way of telling me about it this morning.”
    “NO! Let me finish. After having some time to think about the agreement we made the other day, I realized that as good as it sounded on Friday, it isn’t me or what I want.”
    “Great—that was all you had to say this morning.” Holly said as she reached for the door handle.
    “I’m not finished. The reason that I can’t live with that agreement anymore is because I want more. I want the whole full blown relationship. I want to hold you all night after making love to you. I want to wake up in the morning and know that you are next to me. I want to share parts of my life with you, just like I want to learn more about your family and life. I want to give us a chance at whatever life deals out.”
    Holly looked Brock in the eyes. “Impossible.”
    “No—it’s not damn it. I know you have feelings for me, I can see it—I’m not blind.”
    “I do, I can’t deny that.”
    “Great! Then it’s settled.”
    “There was a but coming. I do feel an attraction towards you. I admit that, but relationships are a lot of work and I don’t have a lot of time to spend on them. That was the problem with my last relationship. I just couldn’t dedicate enough time to making it work. Until I can, I just don’t want to put myself through that heartache.”
    “Then we are perfect for each other? Did you forget that we practically work the same hours? I know the hours that you put in. Just take a chance on us—that is all I am asking.” Brock said as he pulled her tight to him and rubbed his hands up and down her back. He

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