Second Time Around

Second Time Around by Katherine Allred Page A

Book: Second Time Around by Katherine Allred Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Allred
Tags: Romance
the owner, Buck Denton, and customers alike.
    Buck himself, sitting behind the checkout counter, glanced up from the newspaper he was reading when Quinn entered, a grin splitting his face.
    “Dang, McAllister. I thought we’d seen the last of your sorry hide around here. Do I need to get my ball bat out from under the bar?”
    Quinn returned his smile and shook hands with the older man. Buck had put on a little weight, but for the most part, he still looked exactly the same. Like a slab of solid granite.
    “No need, Buck. My fighting days are over. Guess we all have to grow up sometime.”
    “Speak for yourself. That’s a disease I never plan on catching. Just ask Ruby. She’ll vouch for me. How long are you here for?”
    “I’m back for good.”
    “Well, that’s the best news I’ve heard in weeks. You always were one of my most regular customers. Tell you what. How about I treat you to a welcome back breakfast?”
    “Thanks, but maybe next time. I’m here to meet someone.”
    Buck glanced toward the dinning room, a slight frown on his face when he turned back.
    “I’m beginning to get the picture.”
    And if Buck got it, everyone in town would know what was going on before the day was out. Quinn stifled a sigh.
    “I’ll talk to you later.”
    Since only three tables were occupied, it didn’t take him long to identify Harper.
    The man was sitting alone near a window, his gaze fixed on Quinn. Warily, the two 5men assessed each other as Quinn crossed the room, and he wasn’t sure he liked what he saw. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but Harper was too damn good looking for his peace of mind.
    The veterinarian stood as Quinn reached the table and gestured to the booth across from him. “Thanks for coming. I wasn’t sure you would.”
    “Why wouldn’t I?” He slid onto the seat.
    Harper shrugged as he sat down. “You have to admit this is a little awkward.”
    They both paused as Buck stopped by the table and filled two cups with coffee, his gaze shifting between them warily. He moved on quickly, not bothering to ask if they wanted to order.
    Quinn ignored the cup, keeping his gaze on his rival. “Did Lanie ask you to try and talk me out of this?”
    “No. She’d probably be upset if she knew I called you.”
    “Then why did you?”
    “Partly curiosity, I suppose.” The man’s expression didn’t change. “I wanted to see what I’m up against. Lanie never told me much about you.”
    Quinn curled a hand around his cup, forearms propped on the Formica top of the table as he studied the man who wanted to marry his wife. Lanie couldn’t have found anyone more opposite from Quinn if she’d searched deliberately. And he wasn’t just opposite in appearance. Harper exuded a calm steadiness that was palpable. Would anything shake him up, rattle that placid exterior? Maybe it was time to give Harper a dose of the truth.
    “Lanie still loves me, you know. She may not be ready to admit it yet, but she does.”
    “You’re right. Part of her does love you. You’re Zack’s father, after all.” Harper lowered his gaze to the table. “I met Lanie when Zack was a month old and I rented her grandparents’ place. For me, it was love at first sight, but it took over a year to convince her to go out with me. It was another three years before she agreed to marry me.”
    Exaltation surged through Quinn but he kept it out of his voice. “Why are you telling me this?”
    Harper looked up, his eyes narrowed. “Because I want you to understand a few things. I’m a patient man when it comes to something I want, McAllister. I’ve already waited years for Lanie. Three more months isn’t going to make that much difference. In spite of what you think, she loves me, too.”
    Quinn leaned back, straightening his leg a bit. “I’m going to fight for her, Harper.
    And I’m going to win. There’s nothing you can say that will make me change my mind.”
    “I can’t blame you for trying, even if you

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