Seirs, Soul Guardians Book 5
of glass as two fireballs burst into the cabin. The smell of
gasoline rose in the air, and a giant orange tidal wave of fire
engulfed them.
    “ FIRE!”
    “ Get the elder to safety!”
someone shouted.
    “ Protect the
    Kara leaped off the couch and stood in
front of the elder protectively, but she was pushed roughly out of
the way by Tabbris who charged past her like a great bear. He
scooped up the elder easily as though he weighed no more than a
little child. Ashes rained down and covered the floors in a soft
grey carpet. Frantic shouts erupted in the cabin as the Sensitives
ripped off the curtains and scrambled to put out the fire, but it
was too late. Flames licked up the walls. The entire cabin would be
in flames in a matter of seconds.
    “ Kara! Get out of there!”
cried David.
    Flames spilled around the wooden beams
above his head. He ducked and waved for her to come. Jenny and
Peter did their best to try and stamp out the fire with their
boots. Santo kicked open the front door. Immediately, the fire
grew. Santo flailed his arms frantically and urged them out. With
their faces buried in the folds of their arms, the Sensitives
rushed past him and disappeared out the door. The woman from the
kitchen scrambled out behind them cursing loudly about her
    Kara glanced over her shoulder at the
elder. “Don’t worry. We’re going to get you out of
    Tabbris wrapped the elder protectively
in his strong arms. “Quick, follow me.”
    Kara stepped forward.
    A wall of orange flames erupted in
front of her.
    She jumped back and blinked through
the flames and black smoke. She couldn’t see David and the others
anymore. The elder coughed behind her. She had to get him out. If
the fire didn’t kill him, the smoke would.
    Kara took a step forward. Would fire
kill an angel? She stuck her hand into the flame, and three fingers
melted, fell off, and brilliant light poured out from her
    Kara cradled her injured fingers and
cursed herself for being so stupid. She felt an uncontrollable
protective instinct ripple through her. She wouldn’t let any harm
come to Elder Otis. Her anger flamed inside her, and she raised her
hands. A surge of elemental power surged through her body to her
fingertips. Kara could feel a darkness as well. She ignored
    Golden electricity danced on her
mortal skin. The power’s survival instinct kicked in.
    Kara stepped into the fire.
    Golden rays blasted from her body. The
air cracked. She was aflame in a golden shower. She felt
invincible. She embraced her power and let it loose. The rays
soared around with powerful gusts of wind and extinguished the wall
of fire. Smoke coiled from the floor and hovered in the air. The
floor shook. The cabin wailed as burning logs broke off from the
ceiling and crashed on the floor. Embers filled the air like red
    Jenny rushed through the front door
followed by Peter. David bounded towards Kara. She waved him off
with her hand.
    “ Go!” Kara yelled. “I’ll be
right behind you.”
    Reluctantly, David turned and
disappeared through the door.
    Kara grabbed Tabbris’s jacket and
pulled him towards her. “Quickly, before the fire comes back!” She
bolted towards the front door. The big Sensitive cradled Elder Otis
protectively in his arms and charged behind Kara. Black smoke
choked out all the light and nearly blinded her. She ran through
the threshold and leapt off the front porch.
    Thirty Seirs stood waiting on the
front lawn.

Chapter 9
    The Killing
    F lames cackled, the cabin moaned, and with a thunderous roar
the roof collapsed just as Kara jumped off the front porch. She
landed easily in a soft patch of grass. Tabbris landed with a loud
thud beside her. The heat of the burning remains of the cabin
pressed against her back. The elder’s face was covered in sweat and
soot. She studied his eyes for a moment and was surprised at the
amount of venom in them. With his lips pressed in a hard line, he

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