SEIZED Part 1: New Adult Romantic Suspense (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)
not like it’s black tie.”
    She ditches the blanket in the back seat of the car, and we head into the old-fashioned place together, toward the wall of booths. It’s one of those sixties-style diners, with a jukebox and everything. I don’t know what song is playing, and neither could the teenager behind the counter I’m sure, but I’m not picky about ambiance when I’m hungry. Not with burgers that are as amazing as this place makes them.
    We walk quickly but not before I notice those legs. Jesus, she’s covered in scrapes, but they still look amazing. I have another inappropriate thought. This is getting ludicrous. There’s no way she can’t know what I’m thinking. The energy was so intense back at the station I thought I was going to grab her right there in the interview room. I can just imagine the look on Lieutenant Jacobs’s face if she finds out I have feelings for the one person who can help us bring down Jessup Lee.
    It’s not just about ego for Jacobs, either. She used to work on the special victims unit, handling solely the cases involving sex workers. She never talks about it, but every day would have been a cluster-fuck of grief. Most of them were women, many of them prostitutes who’ve been treated like shit and used until they were broken. Something goes out of their eyes after a certain amount of time. I can’t explain it, but it’s like every fucking John takes away a small piece of their soul. Busting Jessup’s ring isn’t about notoriety, it’s about stopping the abuse of innocents, and I know Jacobs would be furious if she could read my mischievous mind.
    The question is, do I really give a fuck what my boss thinks right now? The answer is a resounding no. Carrie’s pull is too strong. I know she used to have a crush on me. There was a time we nearly—
    “So, what do you want to eat?” she asks, as she summons the waitress and orders a burger with everything on it, plus fries.
    She’s a goddess. I order the same, and top it off with a strawberry milkshake. I wouldn’t normally stack on the fatty foods like this, but despite the situation, seeing her feels like a celebration. I know I’m thinking too much, but it’s hard not to. There’s so damn much to think about.
    I should be asking her questions and finding out what she’s been doing, but I just feel clumsy. It’s like anything I do or say is going to be taken the wrong way. I’m not just her assigned officer, but I’m not sure if we’re friends yet, either. The boundaries are fuzzy, so I stay silent and let her be peaceful while we wait for the surly teen to bring our food.
    The food comes, and we eat. She’s not dainty, but she’s not a fiend either, and I’m relieved when she doesn’t try to make small talk and devotes herself to eating her meal as whole-heartedly as I do. Lost in my meal, I start to think about what I should tell Brenda and George when we get back. Brenda will definitely remember Carrie from Cedar Rapids. There’s no doubt about that, so I won’t lie to her, but I’ll just tell George she’s an old friend who got mugged on a visit to New York and is too scared to stay alone. I don’t want him thinking he’s in danger, but I’ll make sure Brenda knows to be extra careful. I’ve been checking for a tail since we left the station, but I think we’re okay, and the doors are always triple-bolted at home. Security is my thing.
    I pay the bill, and we head next door to the grocery store. I know she’ll need a few different things, so I tell her to pick up the essentials and meet me at the magazine rack. She looks embarrassed. I wonder if it’s because she’s used to shopping at more expensive places, but then she stutters out, “I don’t have any of my cash or cards on me.”
    I’m struck at the look on her face. She’s really worried about it. Most women would have just assumed I was picking up the bill and shopped up a storm, but I see she’s in real discomfort at the idea of not

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