Serial Volume Three
back to my house, Edye. The husband might object to me getting a little bit of pussy for myself.”
    She laughed so loud; the sound covered the angry groan of the exterior door being opened. I motioned her inside. “Ladies first.”
    “Oh you are the gentleman, aren’t you?” She smiled seductively before walking into the warehouse.
    Dumb bitch, I thought. This was obviously the part in the horror movie where all the viewers were telling her to run the hell away.
    Following her inside, I couldn’t help the itch I felt to see what it was like being with a woman. The front room was discreet and I hoped we could get this over with before Patty started screaming out for help again.
    Dropping my pants to the floor, I inched up on the desk Jude has positioned by the sidewall. I spread my legs and with two fingers opened myself to her view.
    “You don’t play around, do you baby girl?”
    Edye fell to her knees and planted her face between my legs. Her tongue slid between the slickened skin and her teeth nipped at my clit. With long fingers, she felt inside me, pushing them in and pulling them out in time with the strokes of her tongue.
    My orgasm grew quickly, the excitement of the moment setting my skin on fire. It was one of the most erotic things I’d ever experienced, but I felt sad that Jude wasn’t here to witness it.
    I came quickly as a result of her and thanked her with a long kiss, my hands squeezing the weight of her breasts as I tasted myself on her lips. “I want more,” I said as I pulled away. “Can I have more?”
    “Yeah, baby. You got me for another hour or so. Longer if you want to double the price.”
    “Let’s go into the other room. I have toys in there that might make this a little more interesting.”
    Blindly, she walked through the dark halls with me trailing behind her, the heavy weight of the bolt cutters gripped firmly in my hand. She opened the door to the room where Patty was held and stopped dead before turning to run. Raising the bolt cutters up, I smacked her upside the head, knocking her out immediately.
    Throwing the bolt cutters on the floor, I grabbed both her legs and dragged her into the room, glaring angrily at Patty when she screamed.
    “Shut the hell up and help me, you stupid slut! Do you want your freedom or not?”
    Patty shut up immediately, rushing over as far as the chains would let her go. While she dragged Edye’s body to the center of the room, I grabbed the bolt cutters from the floor and placed them against the wall just out of Patty’s reach.
    “You see those? They are your ticket to freedom. The only thing you have to do is help me kill this bitch and dump her body. After that, you’re free to go. Understand me?”
    “What? I…I can’t do that!”
    I looked at the baggy on the table and noticed it was empty. This girl was lit up like a Christmas tree and I knew that with a little cajoling, she’d do whatever I said.
    “Here’s the deal, Patty. One of you,” I pointed between her and Edye, “is going to die tonight. If you won’t help me kill her, then I’ll convince her to help me kill you. It doesn’t really matter to me which one of you dies.”
    Patty thought for a second, her mind most likely blowing up from the amount of coke she had in her system. “You’ll let me go afterward? After I help you do this?”
    I nodded. “Yes. And then you can get home to your baby.”
    She thought for another second, her entire body shaking with her fear and her anticipation to go home.
    “Okay. What do we do?”
    With Edye tied up in the center of the room, I patted her cheek with my hand. On the floor were all the items I thought I’d need to make this death look like all the other ones CK had committed. Tarp was spread across the floor and on it was a bottle of bleach, a razor blade and a knife.
    “Wake up, beautiful. It’s time to play.”
    Edye’s eyes opened and her entire body flinched. She tried to scream but the dirty handkerchief I’d

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