Shadow Space Chronicles 1: The Fallen Race

Shadow Space Chronicles 1: The Fallen Race by Kal Spriggs Page B

Book: Shadow Space Chronicles 1: The Fallen Race by Kal Spriggs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kal Spriggs
to defend from small craft, such as fighters.
    The computer saw that, analyzed the situation, and the fighters swept in.
    “Fighters inbound in second and third quadrants, port side guns pick your targets and fire at will.  Starboard, fire on target A, fire.”  This second broadside was dealt from closer range, and just under the equatorial plane of the enemy corvette.  A near perfect shot, at five thousand kilometers, less than knife range.  This broadside tore the lighter ship in half.  But the fighters had the same shot, an entire squadron that faced weak defensive fire, with an under-equator shot, and a full payload of missiles.
    The destroyer vanished in a ball of fire less than two minutes after its prey.
    “Can you tell me what you did wrong?” Lucius asked.
    Lieutenant Daniel Beeson sighed, “I didn’t cover myself from the fighters, I never thought the computer would sacrifice a ship to take out mine.”
    Lucius nodded, “Don’t forget that.  Anyone can spot a feint or a trick, but an experienced commander will notice when a bad situation can be turned to the better.  The computer did that; the corvette was doomed from the moment it altered course.  However, the computer realized that, and adjusted so that its loss would bring victory.”  The simulation had gone very much like a skirmish Lucius commanded at the attack on Ghornath Prime.  He’d never have thought anyone would sacrifice one ship for another.  That decision nearly cost him his life.
    “ Isn’t that sort of, well, disgusting… sir?  That war is just two people sacrificing lives?”
    Lucius nodded.  “Yes, it is vulgar, but so is war.  It is impossible to keep all of your people alive, but your efforts should make sure they don’t die in vain.  There will be days when you can live with yourself only because you took out the enemy, no matter the cost.  It never, ever, gets easy, but then, nothing ever is easy, is it?”  Lucius shook his dark humor off.  “You did much better than last time though.  Your port side batteries are still rough.  Another thing, you always have to keep an eye on all of your enemy’s units, no matter where they are.  You chased off the fighters early on, and you expected them to keep running instead of coming back in on your tail.  Don’t count an enemy out until you have a kill, and even then be cautious.”
    His new Assistant Tactical Officer nodded.  “Yes, sir.”  He’d been the weapons officer aboard Faraday’s patrol ship, which made him experienced, but marginal on Lucius’ list of officer recruits. Lucius had put more of the experienced crew aboard the Gebneyr.  Lucius trusted himself bring the less experienced recruits up to speed quicker.
    “ Overall, however, you did very well.  Most of those we will be facing out here won’t be the dedicated and selfless warriors of the real fleets.  Pirates, mostly.  Congratulations on passing this exam and I look forward to seeing you on the bridge, right beside Commander Doko... once you complete your training.  You're dismissed, Lieutenant Beeson.” 
    The Lieutenant stood and snapped off a sharp salute before he turned and left.  Lucius knew that the younger Daniel Beeson’s decision to sign on with him had caused an estrangement with his father.  The tall, ruddy faced young man had a sharp mind and seemed to have something to prove, either to himself or to his father, though Lucius wasn't sure that the boy knew which.  Captain Beeson commanded the the Faraday Defense Force's elderly destroyer, though from what Lucius had heard, he apparently served as a military adviser to several members of Faraday's Moderate Party.
    Lieutenant Beeson filled out his officer complement.  His enlisted crew was still learning their duties, as evidenced by their efforts in the simulation.  Lucius figured another month would be just long enough to bring them up to his minimum training standards.  Endless drilling and practice

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