Shallow Graves

Shallow Graves by Jeffery Deaver Page A

Book: Shallow Graves by Jeffery Deaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffery Deaver
Doris said, “the fire in the park?”
    “That was it, yeah.”
    Ambler said nothing. He stared out the window.
    Doris said, “Tough luck, honey. You know, Mr. Ambler, last week, after those boys showed up, all Meg was talking about was trying to get an audition. . . .”
    “Doris,” Meg barked.
    Doris said to Ambler, “Meg did some modeling in Manhattan, you know. She was in Vogue and Self a couple times. Woman’s Day.”
    “I think I knew that,” Ambler said.
    Doris continued, girlishly. “I know you were trying to get an audition, but—”
    “—running him over’s a hell of a way to do it.”
    Meg mouthed Bitch at Doris, who blinked and retreated to her ticks.
    Ambler’s eyes left hers and he looked out the window, staring across the street. Meg noticed this. She zeroed in on Pellam, who stood in front of Marge’s, opening a Styrofoam coffee cup.
    He said, “What’s he doing here?”
    Meg answered, “They were looking for places to shoot a movie. He’s a location scout.”
    “No, I mean, why hasn’t he left town? If his friend died . . .”
    Doris said, “Well, I talked to Danny, the guy works afternoons at Marge’s? He said he heard from Betty in Moorhouse’s office that he’s staying for a while.”
    “He is?” Meg and Ambler asked simultaneously.
    “That’s what Betty told Danny.”
    “So they’re going to do a movie after all?” Ambler said.
    Doris said, “Dunno.”
    Meg stared out the window, sighting on Pellam through the reversed letters. She kept her eyes there and said, “Look, Wex, I hear what you’re saying but look at some of the features. It’s practically flat; you’re going to need zero grading. And clearing? Onlya quarter of the whole package is trees and they’re shallow-root pine. You don’t even have to touch that, unless you build with leaching fields toward the trees.”
    “I’m not saying I don’t want those plots. I’m saying I don’t want two-acre zoning. If I had my way I’d want half-acre.”
    She frowned. One of Ambler’s employees was Mayor Hank Moorhouse’s wife. He thus had connections at city hall. Meg didn’t know what he was complaining about. She said, “Why don’t you just do fifty by seventy-fives? Burn out the trees and Lefrack it? Put in cinder block.” There was irritation in her voice.
    They both realized they’d been negotiating while they were looking out the window. They simultaneously turned to face each other. Ambler stood up. Meg frowned. She wondered if she’d offended him. He said, “I’ll have to think about it.”
    “I’ve got another developer interested,” Doris said.
    “Ralph Weinberg.”
    “Oh. Him,” Ambler said. “You’d rather sell to a . . . to someone like him?”
    “His money’s as good as anyone’s.”
    Ambler was quiet for a moment. “I can’t think about it now. I’m sorry.”
    FADE IN:
    CREDITS ROLL, as we see VARIOUS ANGLES on the cemetery. Uneven tombstones of granite, chipped and broken, thumbed down by the weather. The grass is anemic, the lighting bland, ghostly, like the bones buried here.
    Pellam tossed back the bourbon and bent over his typewriter.
    He had stopped by the funeral home to pay for shipping Marty’s casket back to L.A. but had found the charges had already been taken care of, courtesy of Alan Lefkowitz. He’d spent a few silent minutes alone with Marty in the back room of the funeral home that had arranged for the shipment. A loading dock, really. He’d wanted to say something. But could think of absolutely no words. He found a Bible in a small chapel near the room where the casket rested. He looked for three or four minutes to find a passage that he liked. Nothing applied. He put the Bible back, touched the smooth, heavy coffin, and returned to the Winnebago.
    Outside, it was a windy night, and the camper rocked slightly,

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