Sherlock Holmes in Something the Cat Dragged In

Sherlock Holmes in Something the Cat Dragged In by Lyn McConchie Page A

Book: Sherlock Holmes in Something the Cat Dragged In by Lyn McConchie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lyn McConchie
Tags: detective, Mystery, Holmes, sleuth, sherlock
before him.
    With that done he ordered us to be left alone and at once addressed Lestrade. “Did you find the papers?”
    â€œNo, my Lord.”
    â€œDamn, I’d hoped they hadn’t been taken away. Von Stowen was clever; if he separated us, he was likely to lose one or the other but not both.”
    â€œYou knew him, my Lord?” Lestrade asked sharply.
    â€œHe was an acquaintance of my friend Tony Risingham. Von Stowen claimed an interest in our hobby and it seems that Tony told him all about my own project. Indeed he must have described it minutely because Von Stowen believed my project would bring him reinstatement, recognition, and a large sum from his masters. He talked freely enough once he had me. But that’s not important; we need to get my papers back.”
    â€œYes,” Holmes agreed. “To that end, if you will answer questions, my Lord?”
    Northgate indicated he was willing, and by degrees we discovered that he had thought of the consequences if we did not retrieve his property, and was in full agreement that he had been perhaps a little careless, and should have taken more notice of the dangers Lestrade had described to him. He was deeply distressed at Len Rogers’s injuries, and in short, was a chastened man.
    Lestrade asked questions, now and again Holmes interpolated another query, and once even Western thought of something to ask. At that Lord Northgate stared. “I don’t wish to be rude, but who are you, sir?”
    Holmes looked up. “This is Mr. Frederick Western, although I suppose,” he said, turning to Western,” now that your grandfather is dead and his son before him, you are Sir Frederick?”
    â€œI don’t use the title,” Western said shortly. No doubt all of us were reflecting on the difficultly of being both a fence and a titled man. Western grinned. “Yes, I can guess what you’re thinking. You’re right. But if my estate is returned I’ll live there and be a landowner again. London can go hang, for all I care.”
    Lestrade had no intention of allowing any diversion. He returned to Northgate with another question and the answer electrified us.
    â€œYes, Von Stowen had the papers, though I thought he left them in the rooms beyond mine. A man visited him some hours before you came. I listened at the door and heard him say something about the situation being about to change and that he’d be able to get away tomorrow.”
    â€œDid he say anything more about that?” Lestrade reminded me of a terrier on the trail of a large rat.
    â€œI couldn’t hear it all. Something about his family taking charge and making his way out by Black Clocks.”
    Lestrade stiffened. “Could it have been Blackly Docks?”
    â€œThat’s possible. As I have said, his voice was indistinct at that point.”
    Holmes nodded. “Blackly Docks would be a good place from which to leave the country, as the docks there are used only during the day and mostly by men of substance who have their own yachts. Lord Northgate, did he indicate his plans for you?”
    â€œIndeed. I was to be his prisoner. He intended to send for me early tomorrow morning and have me taken straight to whatever boat he had waiting. I was to be removed overseas to a place he had prepared.”
    â€œDid he say why?”
    Lord Northgate’s face reddened with fury. “He did. He claimed that a man as clever as me could draw up other campaigns, and that it was always useful to have alternatives. They’d fetch good money, too. I said I’d be damned if I did. He said I’d be damned if I didn’t, and there were ways of persuading me that I would not appreciate. I’d have said more, but he walked out of the room. Damn the man, did he believe he could make me turn traitor?”
    Holmes gaze met mine and we said nothing. I had seen things in Afghanistan of which I do not speak, but both of us knew that

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