Shifting Gears
    “You would do that?” Lynn clapped her hands but settled down after a moment. “You don’t have to. I know you don’t get too many breaks. If you want to hang out at the beach and relax, that’s fine. I understand.”
    “Really, I don’t mind if Mark doesn’t.” Sloan respected him for helping his friends. “I’d love to see a temple. What should we know about it?”
    “Thank you, thank you, thank you. It’s the site of an annual bun festival that celebrates deities who protect the island’s inhabitants from the plague. In the early nineteenth century, locals believed the plagues were retribution for the evil deeds of the pirates who lived on the island. It’s supposed to be exquisite.”
    “I think we can handle that.” Mark nodded.
    “Well, there is the pesky part about it being inhabited by ghosts.”
    “I don’t know, now I’m scared.” Sloan smiled. “I’ll assume they’re friendly ghosts.”
    “If you see one, don’t wait to find out, okay?” Lynn laughed.
    “I promise.” Mark crossed his heart.
    “All right, kids, let’s get going. Meet at Tai Kwai Wan beach at, say, four o’clock?” Sebastian glanced at Lynn. “Is that long enough?”
    “Depends on how many times they stop along the way to sneak a quickie.”
    “Who cares about them?” Sebastian winked. “How many times are we going to stop for a quickie?”
    “Ever done it in a pirate cave before, big guy?”
    “Arggggg.” He lunged for Lynn.
    She tossed a map to Mark then took off toward the boatbuilding yard. “See you guys later! Make sure you put sunscreen on any of your exposed parts!”
    After consulting the chart, Mark led Sloan toward the peak of the island.
    “Handy having a navigator along on vacation.” She rested her head on his side, enjoying the weight of his arm around her waist as they strolled.
    “Not something most people consider but thanks.”
    “I bet more women than you think have appreciated your skills.” Sloan forced the truth between gritted teeth.
    He didn’t respond, content to enjoy the brilliant sun and their closeness. She didn’t blame him. Hindsighting wasn’t high on her list of favorite activities either.
    They stopped along the way to grab a plate of fantastic-looking shrimp and a couple bottles of local beer, which they inhaled under a striped umbrella as they watched a stream of people pass by. Even in a tourist village, many stared at her and Mark.
    They stuck out like a sore thumb, especially with their blond hair. The attention unnerved her after a while and she got to her feet. “Ready to head to the temple?”
    “Sure, let me grab another beer for the road. It’s getting steamy out here. You want one?”
    “Sure, thanks.” Sloan smiled when he handed her a bottle. She used the condensation gathering on the cheap label to cool her neck.
    Mark finished paying then turned back. He groaned when a droplet slid along her throat, and leaned closer to lick the moisture from her skin. She shivered, her nipples hardening against his chest. He dropped a quick kiss on her lips then patted her ass. “We’d better move on before we get ourselves in trouble.”
    “Probably true.” Still, she couldn’t stop thinking about having him for dessert as they wound their way through the town.
    They came to a crossroads in a residential neighborhood, turning toward the temple. A basketball court filled with kids adjoined the ancient monument. The juxtaposition struck a chord deep within her. How many children had grown up here, lived and died while the weathered fu dogs guarding the sacred space held eternal watch?
    “Damn, that’s something, isn’t it?” Mark murmured below his breath but she caught it anyway.
    “Spectacular.” She entwined their fingers as they approached the building together. Magnificent enamel dragons perched on top of the red roof’s peak. Inside, murals lined the walls and incense wafted on the breeze, perfuming the temple with its

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