Sins of the Father

Sins of the Father by Robert J. Thomas

Book: Sins of the Father by Robert J. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert J. Thomas
before Steele could reply.
“I just love hearing you two going at it,” said Tex, filling his coffee cup.
“I’m glad you find it amusing.”
“Well, what else do we have for entertainment? Things haven’t been a whole heap of fun since this all started and if you ask me, she’s right.”
“About what?”
“About locking Madden up and letting him rot in jail.”
“You know we can’t do that. We have to have a reason or else the judge will just let him go free and then it will be us who will be in hot water.”
Tex grinned. “Well, then why don’t you let me go and plug that sorry ass from a hilltop and get this whole thing over with before any other good men get killed, and that includes anyone wearing a badge?” “I can’t let you do that, either.”
“Well, I had to ask and consider it an open offer.” “I’ll keep that under my hat,” Steele replied as he picked up his coffee.
“You know what else?” asked Tex with that wide grin.
“I think Pattie is sweet on you.”
“Don’t start on me about that again. She just ain’t ready quite yet.”
“Yeah, well, maybe she’s saving herself for old River Bend Bill,” Tex said sheepishly, knowing that would get immediately under Steele’s skin.
“You just had to go and spoil this fine meal by bringing that old codger up, didn’t you.”
“Well, I’m just trying to encourage you,” Tex replied.
“I can just tell that this is going to be one long night with you. Now shut up and drink your coffee.”

    rank Reedy and the three deputies arrived at the Thornton ranch just before dusk. They never got off their horses. They waited out in front of the house until Thornton came out, followed by six other men, all hired guns, Reedy figured.
    Thornton knew Buck but he had never seen the other three before. He didn’t miss the fact that one of the three men was wearing a U.S. marshal’s badge, and the other two were wearing deputy U.S. marshal’s badges. “Why am I being visited by a U.S. marshal today?” asked Henry Thornton.
    “I’m here to deliver the same message I delivered to Rance Madden this afternoon,” answered Reedy.
“And what message is that, Marshal?”
“I’m here to stop the war brewing between you and Madden and from this moment on, anyone breaking the law will have the full weight of the U.S. marshal’s office on their shoulders. This will be the only warning you will get, so heed it carefully. Have I made myself clear?”
“I’m not the one who is starting this war, Rance Madden is. Arrest him and all the problems will stop. I’ve only hired these men to protect my life and my property from that greedy bastard. Keep him off my property and away from my water and you’ll have no problem from me. I will, however, protect what is rightfully mine and will do so by force, and you know I have that right, Marshal.”
“I understand the law, Mr. Thornton. I’m not here to get a lesson, I’m here to give one to anyone who breaks the law from hear on in. I have two deputies with me and I can have a dozen more here in a matter of days. I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening, gentlemen,” said Reedy, as he turned his horse around, all three deputies following his lead.
Thornton and his men stood on the front porch of the house until Frank Reedy and his men were out of sight. One of Thornton’s men, Toby Hewett, was the first to speak. “I know that Marshal. He used to be a bounty hunter and he ain’t someone to be messing with. He don’t take no for an answer and once he’s on the trail of a man, he don’t quit until he gets him.”
Thornton didn’t respond right away. He kept looking out towards the trail leaving the ranch as if he could somehow still see the marshal and the three deputies. “Well,” said Thornton, “I’m glad that he’s here. Maybe he can finally convince Rance Madden to back off.”
“I wouldn’t bet on it,” replied Hewett, “Madden is as stubborn as they come.”

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