Sisters in Crime

Sisters in Crime by Carolyn Keene

Book: Sisters in Crime by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
her large green eyes.
    Nancy gently closed the door behind her before she asked, “Do you remember if you mentioned to anyone that you and I were going for a walk the other night before we went out?”
    Kathy licked the tip of her eyeliner pencil and mumbled, “Didn’t we leave from the study hall?”
    â€œNo,” Nancy said, reminding her. “Remember, you needed your jacket”—Nancy gestured to the khaki jacket that Kathy had worn—“and went upstairs to get it first.”
    â€œOh, right,” Kathy answered, her eyes open wide as she brushed mascara on her lashes.
    â€œDid you tell anyone then?” Nancy asked.
    â€œNope,” Kathy mumbled, concentrating on her eyes.
    Kathy turned and smiled at Nancy. “Lori was very pleased with your helping Delta Phi out, by the way. I told her about that, and she thinks you’re great.”
    â€œYou’re all very welcome.” Nancy touched the collar of the jacket as she asked the next question. “Does everyone in the sorority know about the teaching assistants that help you out?”
    â€œAre you kidding?” Kathy exclaimed. “Only afew of the very special sisters, if you know what I mean.” After she rubbed some lip gloss on her mouth, Kathy added, “I actually should never have told you; I don’t know what made me do it. But I’m glad I did!” She smiled. “Maybe I’m psychic or something.”
    â€œWas Rina one of the special ones?” Nancy asked.
    â€œRina Charles? No way!” Kathy ran her fingers through her long curls, pushing them into an order of sorts as she said, “Rina was not one of the special people.” Kathy hesitated. “I hate to say it, but I never really understood why she and Lori were close. Rina was nice, but, I don’t know, she just didn’t seem the right type. Anyway,” Kathy added, “I’m in charge of the exam ‘borrowing,’ and if anyone was let in on the secret, I’d know.” Curious, Kathy added, “How come you asked?”
    â€œJust wondering about the sorority, I guess, and how it works,” Nancy answered as casually as possible. If Kathy is right and Rina did not know about this, Nancy thought, then this path leads me to another dead end. Then, Nancy thought, this phony exam scheme has been pointless. It won’t get me any closer to the killer, and it may get the killer closer to me.
    â€œWell, I wouldn’t be worried about getting in if I were you,” Kathy said reassuringly as she touched Nancy’s shoulder. “If you decide to come to SDU, I’m sure there’ll be a place for youin Delta Phi.” Looking at her watch, Kathy said, “Meeting time, I’d better move it. We’re electing a treasurer tonight!”
    â€¢Â â€¢Â â€¢
    Blake Hall was well lit, though empty, when Nancy reached it a little after seven. On the bulletin board, under Today’s Activities, was listed “On Target—Room 207.”
    When Nancy walked into the room, all the desks were moved aside and four dart boards were set up against the wall. Only about seven people were in the room, all guys. Nancy had never seen any of them before.
    She stood for a moment at the door, surveying the situation.
    â€œDon’t be shy,” a voice called out. “We’re always short on girls.”
    Nancy walked over to the person who issued the invitation. “Actually darts isn’t my game,” “she replied. “I was just looking for some friends.”
    â€œMale or female?” he asked, picking up three more darts.
    â€œFemale,” Nancy answered, taking a stab at it. “I think they usually come here on Thursday nights.”
    He threw a straight powerful shot at the target as Nancy asked, “Do you have a list of your members?” He picked up another dart, closed one eye, and aimed.
    â€œNope. We’re not that

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