Slave World

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Book: Slave World by Johnny Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johnny Stone
unconditional and leisurely use. If I was scared before, now I was terrified. I suddenly realized he’d made me into the perfect, obedient slave that any number of buyers on Regilain would be sure to want. The bile in the back of my throat crept a little higher, accompanied with the queasy urge to vomit. So this is how it was going to end for me, on my knees begging to be fucked by some depraved psycho, until the day I die. Life sure can be a kick in the balls at times.
    “Dobbs, take her back to her cabin and make sure there’s a guard on her. I don’t want one of those shitheads forgetting she’s off limits. I’m heading forward to check on the ship status; that fucking prick Carlos has some payback coming after we’re finished with business on Regilain.”
    “Sure, no problem, Quin,” Dobbs replied evenly, watching him leave before turning his attention back to me. “You just remember what’ll happen if you get any funny ideas about pulling some shit with me. The pain you felt earlier is nothing compared to what I can do to you. Now get your ass up, let’s go.” He prodded me with his stasis boots and I was overcome by the urge to lean forward and lick it, to prove that I would be good from now on. How could he even think that I would disobey him? What was I saying? It had to be an effect of the remote.
    I climbed hesitantly to my feet and our eyes met, vulgar and insatiate. I looked away, cheeks flaring.
    “You really enjoyed that, didn’t you?” His voice seemed so tender, and it whispered to my soul in a way I couldn’t resist. Dobbs’ sweaty hand fell on my shoulder, working behind my neck, and I swallowed hard, nodding quickly. “And you’ll do anything I say now, won’t you?” He yanked my hair back with a firm grip of total control while pulling me close enough to smell the desire seeping from the pores of his potmarked face. I felt weak in the knees, surrendering willingly, squeaking timidly in agreement.
    “What’s that?”
    I could feel the excitement of carnality growing in the air between us, and I saw myself in his eyes, ready to give everything away upon request. Please, I want you so bad.
    “I think Quin’s passing up the opportunity of a lifetime. Can you imagine the fun we’d have together?” His free hand eased between my damp thighs and I spread them without reservation.
    “Yes,” I sighed again. I could imagine it. I wanted to stay with this complete stranger, this man who now had a power over my mind and body stronger than any physical restraint imaginable.
    Glasses leaned down to kiss me, and so help me I met him halfway. Our tongues coiled with a passionate thirst I’d rarely felt, while his hands roamed about my body, cupping my ass, lifting me closer. My arms encompassed his neck and our kiss grew deeper, stronger, while the ignited desperation within me spread unhindered. I loved it. I loved him!
    “Dobbs!” We jumped as one, shocked from our world of pleasure, drawing apart in a flurry of mumbled curses. Quin stood in the doorway glaring at us like a menacing giant. “I said nobody touches her, and that includes you!”
    “C’mon, Quin,” he whined, gritting his teeth. “Just once, let me fuck her just once. What the hell can it hurt? You owe me-” Quin stormed across the cabin, delivering a jaw-crunching roundhouse punch that sent the smaller man tumbling to the floor.
    “Cuz I said so, that’s-”
    I don’t know what came over me. My face contorted in unbridled fury that matched my confused devotion. Without conscious thought or reason, I threw myself at Quin, leaping upon his back.
    “What the…!”
    “Don’t ever touch him again,” I screeched like an enraged harpy. “I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch!”
    My arm wrapped around Quin’s beefy neck, seconds away from snapping it like a twig with my servo enhanced strength. That’s when the pain descended again. I screamed, falling from his back like a fish out of water. The pain

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